Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Sunday Social - Personalities

Good Morning!

Today's Topic:
All goldens (and dogs) have their own personality and/or disposition. What is the personality of your dog/s? Is it laid back, goofy, hyper, vigilant, happy, mopey, etc.

Have a golden day!

Re: Sunday Social - Personalities

Well Jordan is a little Diva and of course I have no idea how she got that way It's funny because she has all these little quirks for my girls of the past, luckily the fun, cute ones. She still acts like a puppy even though she will be 4 on the 17th. Doesn't seem possible. She loves all the cats and is Rose's best friend. She is very loving and is going to make a great therapy dog if she ever settles down. She is living proof you can have more than one "Heart Dog "

Re: Sunday Social - Personalities

Trapper is, as my friend says, a piece of work. He's very affectionate, loving, and doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body (as long as you're a human or canine). But he's very mischievous, highly alert, and busy,busy, busy. He definitely needs a job or he'll find one, and it may not be on the approved jobs list. He is a thinker and is always trying to stay one step ahead of me. He is leery about learning new things, worried that the outcome may not be to his liking (a throwback to his 'former life'). But once he realizes it is all good, he's very smart!

Keevin is a laid back (thank goodness!) boy but also very aware of what's gong on. He likes affection but isn't demanding about it. He is sweet and usually gets along with all other dogs, but once in a great while there is a dog he doesn't like for some reason known only to him. He loves doing agility and learns new things quickly. He is a 'snoodler' and likes nothing better than wandering around sniffing for anything possible that is edible. He will chase the ball but really has no interest in retrieving it. He is a big sweet love.

What are your dogs like???????

Re: Sunday Social - Personalities

Enjoy reading about other people's goldens. Our first-born golden, Michelob, sounds a lot like Trapper. He was laid back but so mischievous. He was our first golden and we got him as an 8-week old puppy. Michelob was seriously toy and ball oriented. He had to bring us at least two toys in his mouth when we got home. He was also very smart. Our other goldens since then, not so much, but they are so cute! Genesee was so sweet and a cuddler. She could nap all day with you when you were sick. Spring was very food motivated. We got her as a rescue. She was a counter surfer extraordinaire!

We recently lost Stormy. He was 13 and my son's 9th birthday gift. Stormy was a "talker" and had to "roo-roo" about everything, even when he had a toy in his mouth. But he was not at all a "retriever" and could have cared less about tennis balls. Very laid back, worshipped our son, and he loved nothing more than sunning himself in the back yard on a spring day.

Buddy is now 13. We got him 10 years ago as a rescue. Buddy and our son bonded immediately. It was honestly love at first sight. Buddy is really mourning the loss of his friend Stormy. So it is hard right now. Before this, Buddy was our always happy golden with a smile on his face and tail wagging. He is a spinner, so when he sees you in the morning he spins in circles. When you ask him if he has to go outside, he spins if yes. Buddy does not bark, has only barked a handful of times since he came to his forever home. He is sweet and loving always and lights up whenever our son is around. He is very happy to have Chris living back home after college, but is sad whenever Chris leaves for work!

We have loved all of our goldens and will continue to have them for the rest of our lives.