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Re: Re: Why do you people believe in tooth fairy?!?

I believe in the Tooth Fairy! I know a quite a lot of people who don't believe in her, but she IS real! She gives me presents and money whenever I lose teeth. She also once wrote me a note. It is not my parents' writing. I still have the note to prove it. Oh, and by the way, once I left her a note to tell her that I didn't want her to take my teeth away to Fairyland and she never does, but she still gives me persents. Other kids at my school have had the same things happen to them. Another thing, I'm only ten years old. I just want to say that.

Re: Why do you people believe in tooth fairy?!?

people belive in it 'cause some 1 like my little sis
want somethin to look forward to and to take the pain away

email me some time

Re: Why do you people believe in tooth fairy?!?

because thats what parents are telling them to belive in and you are supposed to belive in them, right?
plus their smaller than you really think that they are!