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Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Why David, every time they bring a set out its party time. The Romans and Dacians sure are popular.

Out of interest ,what set would you release for a 10th anniversary celebration special set.

Would you go for a money spinner set ?
A limited edition set ?
A box with quality diorama centre piece ?
A specail Russian commander csar thru the ages set ?

Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Czar Nicholas II of Russia set, with the Royal family and Rasputin, and Communists jailers.

Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Or maybe cossack explorers like Yermak conquering Siberia.

Cheers and have a great anniversary Strelets-R, Frank

Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Dear Hank, Mike, Frank

Your ideas are great. I would like a personality set and nobody does those better than Strelets. The Czars, explorers are really good ideas. One of my favourite films is Kurosawa's Dersu Uzala (Дерсу Узала in Russian)and the idea of a Russian explorer/mapping party section and Siberians(Nanai), Chinese bandits and so on has so much potential. The setting and 1902-10 make the characters also suitable for the Russo-Japanese war or later in the East. Often sets deemed to have the least potential turn out to be very adaptable. Esci's Zulus seemed like madness back in 1984. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them in the shops - no warnings on websites or leaks of masters in the mags in those days.
Strelets' 20th anniversary (and beyond) would be a good present to us all. If it was Strelets' 100th anniversary and 1000 sets later I wonder what they (I wont be here then though I could leave a time capsule*) will be proposing as sets then?


* Hank - your C.. W.. T.. art... request should go in one of those to be opened in 2054.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Aw David, come off it, that means i wont be around either .(but maybe some people liek that chuckle)

Say to match mini-management downsizing of warfare I'd like ww2 strelet sets to be based on troop level format

Eg Russian Infantry complete troop
EXAMPLE 3 riflE sections and a support(mg mortar ammo party anti-tank rifle etc) and hq elements(signallers radio and flag ,stretcher,message runners)
Making a troop

(1 section covering, 1 section moving forward , 1 section advancing)

same again for US Brit etc

then make a battalion hq set
officer lean-to for use next to hanomag or wall etc
signallers(female),medics,ammo party,police + dog,commissar

and artillery set horse and vehicle limbers siganllers 2 guns

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

I think Strelets should do a special cast of all the Streltsi that they included with their original sets in one box and perhaps an additonal sprue for the Tsar's court featuring Ivan the Terrible and a whole bunch of boyars.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Hi Graham,

a good idea, maybe their old set "early Russians" in addition and then some Polish Haiducks.
After "1612" several people must be interested in this period.


Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Dear David,

thank you for reminding us about the anniversary. It will be in December.
We haven't thought about some special set dedicated to this date, at the moment we only know what will be our last set before we will go out of business.
In December we will release a big box set Thin Red Line with some Turks inside including the general staff. One can consider this one as our anniversary set. We know about, at least, one potential buyer for this set here.

Best regards,


Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

How about including Strelets' staff as figures, dressed in contemporary costumes?
Consider it a self-portrait like the ones that Van Gogh did. You guys are artists, entertainers, historians and of course 'adult toy'manufacturers. And as such you've got a lot to be proud of.

Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Dear STrelets,

what do you mean with "before we will get out of business"?

I guess you would sell of lot of this bix box to the USA and Germany


Strelets - I will buy one

Dear Strelets

Now you do sound like a distant aunt who complains that she will not see another year but lives on forever.

Very good news about the big box. I will buy a box so that makes two sales. Will that keep the bank vultures away?

We will save our congratulations until December. It is not polite to be presumptious or early with one's felicitations.


Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Guess that red line maybe Highlandmen, Turks Marines(blue and red could be heavy artillery)plus command wowow

Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Hello Hank,

H-m-m... that's a strange reaction! We expected complaints that they the Turks would be released as a part of a big box, i.e. with 3 older sets.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

It is only too good you make these .You recognise Turkey as being in teh Crimean War unlike lesser producers metal and plastic.This will develop teh other major battles in CW ,Eupatoria etc.Help numerous Arab-Turkish confilcts, Balkan conflicts in 1/72.(I hope you make trial mini pack from the CW Turks as well .

THe CW War brought together armies form east and west ,france and england shake the hand after hundreds years fighting.France get back esteem in Europe.(But AUstria Prussia Russia wary)Very Colorful battlefield, teh red and blue serried ranks of brittish and french, with the flamboyant panache of oriental zouaves turcos /algerian-tunisian bashibazouks turks dress mingling the organization. Balaclava must have been incredible place to watch as a correspondent. Sardinia not forgotten.

AT LAST....thankyou

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

I will hold off my congratulations until December, but add my name to the list of those who will be buying the "Thin Red Line." I already think your Highlanders are great, so I won't mind getting a couple of extra boxes. However, it will be the Turks I am after too.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

I'd be surprised if- with a nice Turkish set - the Crimean War range didn't sell well in Turkey.

Here is a link to a Turkish modelling site:

Her a link to what I believe might be Turkish equivalent of Hobbytown USA in the yellow pages:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Jan, I think right marketing and turkish langauge box (mini) would be a sell out.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

I never can have enough other Crimean figures. A big box with some more Highlanders, Turks and attacking Russian infantry (for the redoubts) and Hussars (against the line) would work for me.

I am wondering Hank, that you can sit still until December while I am starting shivering from the thought of Turkish troops


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

Well done, Uwe!

you've mentioned all sets that will be in the big box.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Strelets -anniversary?

This is a dream come true SR! Thanks!

BTW Uwe, does your Way To Sofia work?

Re: BTW Uwe, does your Way To Sofia work?

Hi, Uwe emailed me today and reported he has not got it yet unfortunately.I am very disappointed also as i paid good shipping rate but very confident when it reaches him it will be just fine to view.You may have to tweak the windows media player(i have new Windows VISTA laptop) its taking a while to get used to it.

So to coin a phrase "coming soon"...relax chuckle.

You will need 6 pack of beer and plenty popcorn for this movie.Its very rustic/antiquity screen play(superb) and oozes authenticity. Its a pity one of the hero is shot symbollically in the ruined church tower. the pretty girl in the cape is shot in the back.(very sad)Also some poor doves ......The size of the syringe the doctors use look terribly big .It also shows a use of injected torture on one of the Bulgarian captured leaders.As he is injected with a potion from a hot glass bottle which was being held over a fire.I hope you realize i have indeed seen the movie very recently.I do not bee ess you guys.

(Uwe please check the date i sent the package when you get it.)Inside is the original packaging from my dear contact in Bulgaria .you will see the post marks Bulgarian(inner on original package from Bulgaria) and usa(external ) on with dates.I guess customs have perhaps sat down to watch it.

If you have not got it by next friday i will request my dear contact to ship another one.(I will make it worth his while)he's been very kind. I am real disappointed it is not with you guys yet.The hold up is from USA to Germany.I am apologetic to you both and know how much you look forward to seeing this.

Re: Re: Its arrived in Germany

I used the tracking number Uwe,Putyat is in Germany with Customs .gOOD NEWS.I send you Mircea this week.

Re: Re: Re: Its arrived in Germany

Dear Strelets,

don't worry I will get it next week. And if not, I found another source for it which will work
So I hope to send your copy over in July.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Its arrived in Germany

the copy i sent will and does work .

Tip i found out the hard way.

Save time NOW and Check your api media player is set up before you get it.My hitch was ONLY finding teh tick box within teh configuration for Windows Vista version 11 of media Player .I hate the Hewlett Packard wrap around krap and microsoft automatic update features .they take your machine over when trying to find stuff .At last i find were to shee-it can those things.I have a compaq prsario f767nr notebook pc with the" fool monty".Thats why i just downloaded the freebie api software and ran the movie so i could send you next day after receiving of plans go wrong.customs suresuck.

enjoy the movie ....

ps now where are the rudddy turks chuckle