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To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

i love the idea of making these minisets, BUT w/ these new sets + the huge amount of cavalry sets you've been making lately, what is to become of the bonus Streltsi figures? will they be discontinued in favor of a full set of them? or has Zvezdas set satisified the need for more? or are you done with them period?

Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

Dear Bert,

quite frankly we aren't sure whether we should make them after Zvezda had released a set devoted to the subject.
Your opinions will be highly appreciated.


Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

i think you should continue, at least for a little while, as the Zvezda set's lack of numerous poses is very limiting.

Re: Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

I support Bert. The Zvezda poses are very simple. I would like to have some advancing poses, or a casualty. And then what do you think about enemies?
My favourite would be Polish infantry.


Re: Re: Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

Dear Strelets,

Yes, I've got a couple of Zvezda Streltsi sets but I also have around 40 of yours and I'm happy to mix them. I would encourage you to continue with them or something similar.

Cheers, Frank

Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

Norman cavalry to the same high standard as your Mini-series infantry would be perfect. Also firing lines for the ACW to complement your ACW command sets and provide them with "cannon fodder".
Advancing and firing Streltsi would fill the gaps left by Zvezda's set.
Ian Bruce

Re: Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

Please continue making them. I love collecting them. Where there any strelets personalities? Perhaps you could make them as a personal touch. Or you could add personalities from Russian history (Catharina the Great, Ivan the terrible, Peter the Great,...) Or just personalities that are linked to your sets(current and past)like William the conqueror, more Napoleonics, Crimean commanders, famous knights, Romans,...
Or just extra poses to previous sets.

Re: Re: Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

Strelets should continue making the Streltsi to finish their range. They should not leave the us hanging because Zvezda has made them too.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To Strelets: What about the Streltsi?

I think it would be great to find a mini-set Streltsi at which we could add the individual Streltsi we have already collected.

Think Strelets and you think Streltsi ... Don't let competitors set your agenda! (no text)