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Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

I recently acquired the set of Alexander Nevsky's Russian Warriors. These figures are very nice with lots of good detail to the body and faces. However, it would have been nice to have more ranged weapons troops, though the crossbowman x1 and two archers(on foot x1, mounted x1) are all good to have in their loading positions and make for a nice variety with the Zvezda Medieval Russians. Regarding the four separate sheilds, it would have been nice to have detail on both sides, as the rear is also in a relatively prominant place. All the spears I will replace with piano wire, to make sure they are nice and strait, as I have done with the Zvezda figurines.

Other useful subjects to consider would be general purpose peasants with empty hands for the option of different tools/weapons. They would be good for artillery crews aswell.

Also, I am surprised there has not been more interest in Mongol sets, as after all they did have the largest Empire (in land mass) in history. They would have had the most sophisticated weapons and tactics. It may be interesting to have a complimentary set for the Zvezda and Italeri, with troops on foot, mounted and crewing artillery.


Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

Dear Michael,

the idea with the both medieval sets was to make it possible with our all different figures format to create a formation of mainly spearmen that you can put next to each other as in the first line of any formation. There are plenty of other sets with other weapons that can complement our set adding the variety. With the army of Robert the Bruce we initially even wanted to name the set "the scottish schiltron" rather than a more universal title that it has now. Eventually we changed the name because we thought that many buyers may not know what "schiltron" means.

Best regards,


Re: Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

How about medieval battlefield casualties?

Wounded knights desperately trying to regain their feet, downed horses rearing up, peasants robbing dead knights of their armour, and French nobles stuck in the mud at Azincourt!

Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

A set of medieval Lithuanians (infantry and javelin-armed horsemen) to kick some Teutonic and Mongol butt would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

I'd like to see medieval Lithuanians too, actually.

I've seen the pictures of the upcoming Army of Alexander Nevsky, and can't wait for the nearby hobby shop to carry them. I do wish you'd have included figures of Buslai and Vasilissa though. They'd be a nice touch, especially Buslai wielding that telephone pole, lol!

Oh, your new Crimean War Russian Grenadiers are great!



Re: Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

Dear Erika,

we are glad to greet the first lady on our forum!
The problem with the Lithuanians is that we don't have a clue how they looked like.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope to have some pictures of some of my soldiers ready soon.

Hmmm... I've seen some pictures of Lithuanians here and there, the heavy cavalry look very much like Russian cavalry, perhaps because Lithuania was often on good terms with Novgorod? I think some of the Russian medieval horsemen would make fine Lithuanians.

I have only seen one picture of a light horseman though, in George Gush's book on Renaissance armies, showing a rider with long hair, headband, a fur cape, headband, carrying a lance and bow. I remember reading once that the Lithuanians made a lot of use of mounted archers, as the Mongols did.

Unfortunately I haven't seen anything about infantry though.

Thank you again!


another suggestion for a medieval set?

Last weekend I saw a television program about Ivan IV and how he became known as "Ivan The Terrible", and while I watched, fascinated, there was a reenactment of his coronation ceremony. Then I saw some of the new pics of the elements of a medieval diorama... and an idea hit me.

What about a set of figures depicting the coronation of a Tsar?



Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

still i dont understand why someone dont make estonian-livonian pesants figthing aganst German/Danish kniths there were great battles in 1208-1227 in Estonia-Livonia

Re: Re: Suggestion for next medieval set

I've read somewhere that Caesar and Valdemar are partnering up to produce a set of fighting peasants...