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Re: Control shot

Fantastic, and thanks for posting. An entire series on the Mexican War, including Texas Rangers, The Patrcio Brigade, Mexican lancers, Infantry, and artillery for both sides would be another appreciated subject filling a void in the market. The Imex figures were not even close to the quality that you can produce......even under such adverse circumstances. I am very proud to own figures that you make. My WSS French dragoons are showing up in the mail this afternoon.

Re: Control shot

Asher takes the chocolates; he stuck by the US-Mexican war!

It's gonna be a characterful set full of excellent and varied characters in top poses.

The beginning of a new series, as Chris requests?

Thanks to all at Strelets for your continued efforts in this wonderful, miniature world.

Regards, James

Re: Control shot

James Fisher
Asher takes the chocolates; he stuck by the US-Mexican war!

It's gonna be a characterful set full of excellent and varied characters in top poses.

The beginning of a new series, as Chris requests?

Thanks to all at Strelets for your continued efforts in this wonderful, miniature world.

Regards, James
Haha thank you James! Although I’m still not so sure that I am right. It’s either Mexican American or Texan War of Independence. It may not seem like a huge difference, but they were ten years apart, and in that time the Mexican army was uniformed very differently from each other. I would rather a Mexican American War range, as you guys have pointed out there’s plenty of cool units and lots of colorful history to include. For the Americans you have your infantry, dragoons, artillery, horse artillery, a couple famous volunteer regiments, the Texas Rangers, marines. And then you have the Mexicans who still had very cool Napoleonic style uniforms imo with line and light infantry, grenadiers, lancers, cuirassiers, dragoons, and of course Saint Patrick’s battalion (who it should be noted won’t need to be sculpted separately as their own set, as they still wore their American uniforms). You could really go even deeper than that if you wanted too, but that is a huge undertaking given the circumstances. Just the basics of infantry, cavalry, artillery would probably make many happy. Now if this is in fact the Texan War of Independence then that is cool as well. Would still collect it, but it’s a little more niche than the Mexican War and I don’t know quite as much about it. Either way thank you for the teasers Strelets!

Re: Control shot

Wow, the possibilities for this are interesting. An officer set for the American side could include a young U.S. Grant, Lee, and the other West Point graduates, many of whom you have already depicted for the American Civil War. Sam Ringold of Flying Artillery fame, Sam Walker of the Texas Rangers, Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. For the Mexicans, Santa Anna, Arrista, Jean Louis Berlandier, Pedro Ampudia, Anastacio Terejon, all in uniforms which would probably thrill your Napoleanic enthusiasts. Also, a San Patricio Brigade set with John Riley. There are a lot of possibilities for a series never done before in this hobby.
On another note, I hear that my country is finally sending yours weapons again. Your soldiers are amazing and I know that they will beat Putin. Stay safe.