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Re: Is it Friday today?

Dear Asher,
I originally had similar thoughts to you regarding the Crimean War and also wondered if they could be an expansion of Strelets’ fabulous figs for 1877-78, guard infantry perhaps? However, the muzzle-loader limits them to early 19thC and a quick search for paintings of the siege of Sevastapol suggests that Jan is on the money.

Added to that it is a quiet doffing to Ukraine’s defenders through the years…

It’s interesting to muse isn’t it?

No doubt others who know more of post-Napoleonic times will add further ideas and we’ll know; in time.
Cheers James

Re: Is it Friday today?

Ah I completely forgot that by 1877 the Russians were using Krnk rifles and everything was breech loading. So that eliminates that possibility. I’m gonna throw my lot in with these being for the Mexican American War still, but I have a feeling I’ll be wanting these regardless. I love anything mid 19th century really. As you said, we’ll know in time!

Re: Is it Friday today?

Anyway, these figures look promising. I hope it could be something about the Crimean War or the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 (a new set would be nice, because the rest are very old and in an old style). Strelets now makes figures of much better quality.

Re: Is it Friday today?

I was hoping for the WW1 German and Saxon sets, but the figure loading his rifle is also a surprise.
So a tantalising set!!!
Regards from the old westernfront WWI Belgium

Re: Is it Friday today?

I was hoping for the WW1 German and Saxon sets, but the figure loading his rifle is also a surprise.
So a tantalising set!!!
Regards from the old westernfront WWI Belgium
I know that Linear A announced they have 3 sets of wwi Germans in the works, once of which happens to be Saxons. Although with how many announced sets they have it’s hard to say when these might be released.