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Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Italian colonial troops for the fighting in Libya.

And, since Strelets did the WWII South Africans, you should do Italian Askari for the Ethiopian Campaign as well as Ethiopian patriot militia. Throw in a figure of Orde Wingate with the latter set, but just make sure he's fully dressed. ;-)

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

How about something no one has mentioned so far... air and ground crew for the various air force combatants of the desert campaign? I could envisage some sun/pith helmeted pilots/crew and mechanics, some with shorts etc for British/Commonwealth, Vichy French, Italian and German. Some working on aircraft, others standing about having a chat or a cup of tea. Thinking of the wonderful sculptured figures so far for this region and the rather inventive French WW1 Field Kitchen set which surely is one of the most unusual sets planned.

Could be quite interesting to see how Strelets would model this subject...

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Kim Crankshaw
How about something no one has mentioned so far... air and ground crew for the various air force combatants of the desert campaign? I could envisage some sun/pith helmeted pilots/crew and mechanics, some with shorts etc for British/Commonwealth, Vichy French, Italian and German. Some working on aircraft, others standing about having a chat or a cup of tea. Thinking of the wonderful sculptured figures so far for this region and the rather inventive French WW1 Field Kitchen set which surely is one of the most unusual sets planned.

Could be quite interesting to see how Strelets would model this subject...
What a good idea, and if done right, could double up as LRDG/SAS/Tank crews etc.

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Waterloo 1815 did a set of Italian aircrew/mechanics but it did not seem to "hit the spot". It was a good attempt but just crying out for more poses and greater variety. Now that Strelets have proven themselves especially with their WW2 figures the Western Desert is the subject with so many possibilities - who would of thought three boxes of LRDG/SAS would be released - let alone one, although as Alan has previously stated it would be great to have a set of figures appropriately posed to sit/stand in the various vehicles they used.

Getting back to the aircrew poses ... what about some sitting in deck chairs snoozing or reading or may I be daring and suggest for the British/Commonwealth a handful playing cricket ?

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

I think having LRDG figures more suited to being in & around their vehicles is a perfect idea.

Desert air/groundcrew for RAF, Luftwaffe etc is a fantastic idea. I have often read how RAF mechanics were given plenty of work looking after the aircraft due to sand etc getting into the works so to speak.
I dare say it was the same for the Germans & Italians too.
It immediately conjures up dioramas of crew working on Kittyhawks, Spitfires, BF109s, Stukas etc.
Also put in that group would be those arming the aircraft too.

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Vichy troops and Libyan and other north African colonial troops please

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Lots of great ideas but there really need to be some decent standard Italians first. I'd like to see some colonial troops next for Italy, Vichy France and Free France.

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Greeks would be a good addition, never done before

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

Yes to Greeks they really deserve to be immortalised.

Re: More WW2 North Africa?

By the way, for those that are interested in PC gaming and mods that make them more historically accurate Company of Heroes 3 is coming out. The theme of the game will be North Africa & The Mediterranean, so will have strong doses of Brits, Italians, Afrika Korps, etc. as well.