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Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Not Mr Kunz , but Truthsayer, also known as a very well known WW2 Nazi general on Benno`s where he in the main conforms because he has to register. He has used many aliases over the years the behavior here was once common on the old Hat forum under a multitude of aliases, as our host has said he will return in a new guise, but his style is consistent so like Mr Kunz he is easy to spot once you know what to look for. He uses a multitude of IP addresses so blocking him like William Smith is tough.

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

So is Mr Kunz (nearly typed something else then!), a different bloke? I certainly remember that guy!!

I recognise the name "truthsayer".
But your saying he also named himself after a Nazi general on Bennos??!!!! Well....that says something!!!

Is this guy genuinely someone interested in the hobby? I dont get why he has to behave like this. Why bother? If he hates a company so deeply, just ignore it and dont buy its products!! If he doesnt like various people, dont reply to them or engage them.

Sensible critique is one thing. Debating anothers point of view in a mature way is also one thing. But what he was doing in the end......was neither. You have got it right 👍

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Roger , I don`t know but here is my guess, he is either rather like that Steve Coogan song " a bit of a **** " or he he has some form of autism , that would explain the high level of intellect , the fastidious eye for detail, and his inability to separate a difference of opinion from a personal insult, so when someone does not agree with his point of view it` to him is insulting and personal ,so he responds in kind,or so he thinks. However on Benno`s he manages his actions far better rarely resorting to the insults he has used here and on Hat`s old forum,both to the respective host`s(although Benno`s don`t make figures) and more commonly to the English speaking forum users, to my observation rather like our old friend Hank/Kunz there is a bit of racism in the mix , Kunz admitted to it a long time ago, blaming the carve up of his beloved Ottoman empire on the Brit`s,and hating us all for it. Our German friend could harbour similar sentiments, all that is speculative ,but I suspect the truth lies within the mix.

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Hi Alan.
Yep some form of Autism would be a possible cause, but if he can indeed behave much better on Bennos, I think he is fully aware of what hes doing.
But ordinarily, yes Autism would explain a lot and then perhaps something could actually then be worked out....if it was actually genuine.

And yes I have also noticed the evidence of Anglophobic sentiment here and there. Sometimes its made obvious, sometimes a sort of "undercurrent" within a post. Ironic when it is still a form of Xenophobia...something these same people accuse others of.

Oh well lets hope theres a nice long break at least before the next incarnation appears!!

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Here’s to more pleasurable time looking at Strelets’ work, to reading balanced and constructive critique and enjoying the contributions, suggestions and humour of others.

(aka that paid Strelets shill—me regular cheque is in the mail hey fellas? I can only assume that the previous ones are still on the way, d@mned covid-affected postage!)

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Can't believe that's the same Handlewithcare who sent me such a comprehensive and nice reply on my question about Napoleonic french marines I asked at Benno's. Sure no one's (mis-)using his id?

Re: Permanently banned for repeated personal insults

Can't believe that's the same Handlewithcare who sent me such a comprehensive and nice reply on my question about Napoleonic french marines I asked at Benno's. Sure no one's (mis-)using his id?
"Ut ameris, amabilis esto."

Here, he wasn't.

The Kings English... errr whot!

Re: The Kings English... errr whot!


Re: The Kings English... errr whot!

Following on from the incorrect spelling of english in this forum, it´s annoying but I can live with it. If they practised "capitol" punishment in your school as opposed to "corporal" punishment then you wouldn´t be around to complain. Also please "ment" is spelt "meant". I am a British citizen living abroad and as such do not get to speak much english, if any, at work but look forward to reading well spelt english in the forum. I can forgive our foreign members but theink that the native english speakers should make a little bit of an effort. By the way it´s the Queens english as of the last 60 something years.


Re: The Kings English... errr whot!


Oops yes you are right, I mixed up Capital and Corporal punishment. I also did indeed spell "meant" wrong. In my defence, I kind of had a lot going through my mind...what with me, James & Donald being targeted by that individual, who apparently has form. Attacking Donald the way he did was absolutely out of order. We in turn, just used some tongue in cheek humour to fight back with.

I am not some Oxford or Cambridge graduate, I am a normal working class guy with a normal schooling, who has scale military modelling as one of my hobbies. Who also, I might add, has a sodding lot more to worry about than just spelling & grammar!!!
Yes a certain amount of local pronounciation creeps in to my wording, and I may slip up with grammar and spelling, but i'm sorry, it's not something I am going to lose sleep over. I am not perfect & I don't pretend to be!!! the way Malcolm.
It's "English" not "english", there is a capital E at the beginning. I'm sure you know why that may be the case. Oh and it's "think" not "theink".
Yes you are indeed right, it is currently the Queens English, but I still knew what he meant.
Ah yes, a Queen we have had for 69 years.
Hey! Well now look at that.....I may make some spelling mistakes but I guess I can at least work out some simple maths rather than make a broad assumption of her reigning for "60 something" years.

So seeing as it's all turning into some sort of English language lesson on here lately, allow me to end this post with an English word of the day......"pedantic".

Re: The Kings English... errr whot!

Following on from the incorrect spelling of english in this forum, it´s annoying but I can live with it. If they practised "capitol" punishment in your school as opposed to "corporal" punishment then you wouldn´t be around to complain. Also please "ment" is spelt "meant". I am a British citizen living abroad and as such do not get to speak much english, if any, at work but look forward to reading well spelt english in the forum. I can forgive our foreign members but theink that the native english speakers should make a little bit of an effort. By the way it´s the Queens english as of the last 60 something years.

Full marks...

Re: The Kings English... errr whot!

Whilst I agree that spelling and grammar make for an easier read, the important thing here on a toy soldier forum is that the writer feels comfortable, that we his peers are not all going to be a minor reincarnation of our banned German friend. It is a place for our enthusiasm of all things toy soldier to be expressed, without anxiety or fear of feeling, however well intended belittled,because we all err from time to time, think not theink for example :innocent: . So enjoying our hobby and commenting on social media has been an important part of that hobby for some time now, let all enjoy it.

I Rekon Yer floggin a Ded Orse...

My personal view is since I dont come here to learn english, as long as I can understand it thats all that matters... For a change of scene heres some classic Nonsense... err wot...


Further more I've no idea wat these emoticons mean maybe we need a Translation...


Re: I Rekon Yer floggin a Ded Orse...


Further more I've no idea wat these emoticons mean maybe we need a Translation...

The bottom one means 'cool'. You can't argue with that 'cause it's wearing shades.

The top one Err... Don't know but my best guess is 'be a good boy and take your cod liver oil'

Re. spelling and grammar errors, I find it useful to remember that for many of the posters on our forums English is a second language. Some may use online translators which, obviously, will not always deal with the change of syntax. As for the native English speakers I assume that for most of them, like me, it's been a long time since they were in school. People here communicate very well and, mostly, in good humour. Good enough.

There are people here who are eminently qualified to correct our mistakes because they do it for a living, I note that they don't do it because they're too polite... Or, perhaps, because we're not paying them.

P.S. did anyone notice that after taking one forum member to task over poor spelling, the cyber thug who started this then said another member was aboNiMable. Can't find that spelling in "The Oxford". :laughing:

Re: I Rekon Yer floggin a Ded Orse...

Hi Graeme
Yes indeed we have non English speakers on the forum, and I for one just try and understand them as best I can, politely, and reply accordingly. I most certainly wouldn't insist they speak English, which would be a totally wrong thing to do or chastise them about their language.
Just above Luca has posted in Italian. Now I don't speak any Italian, nor would I know if the Italian spelling or grammar was correct in that post. What I do know is with a little help from google translate and kind of recognising some words that look similar to English, I got the general idea of what he was saying. That said, it still didnt translate perfectly back into English.
No matter though as I understood the context of what he was saying and so happily replied. He had some good ideas about some artillerymen poses.
So regardless of our languages, we do generally understand one another. Having a common interest also helps.

The top emoji I think is just meant to be a "playful", "Silly" kind of thing. Bottom emoji is definitely "cool".

And yes I too have noticed that many of our grammar fanatics often slip up exactly the same!! 😂

Re: I Rekon Yer floggin a Ded Orse...

Moose'ant we allo allo try twu get aloong own dis four'um !

... or something like this!