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French Guard Chasseurs Masters

These and the box are now up on the mainpage. The sabres from what I can tell are present.

An interesting set but not one I will need many boxes of. I have a good few Revell figures for these guys, plus the ones from the Italeri command set.
In all honesty, I still prefer the Revell & Italeri when comparing to these chaps.
These guys look a little "top heavy" compared to their legs.
I might buy 1 box, so as to add some more poses to Napoleons personal guard...providing they match up well with the Revell/Italeri static poses. Mind you based on the full uniform shown, i think the Emperors escort is all these guys are suitable for anyway.

Horses still look poor, will have to swap with some from Revell/Italeri providing they fit well. Perhaps this sculptor is not the best to ask to do cavalry sets? As what effort is put into the troopers is thus wasted when they have these horses to sit on. Much prefer the horses in the WSS sets. Maybe that sculptor would be better to do the cavalry.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Nice looking figures some good poses I will be buying a couple of sets not so sure about the horses though they look the Prussian sets horses reworked.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Our funny sculptor decided to provide the guidon bearer with a 1/32 scale guidon. Terribly funny :smirk:

As for the uniform, I've always hated this hybrid dress - neither "grande tenue" nor "petite tenue". The dolmans and pelisses slung over the shoulder say "grande tenue", but then - no plumes, and overalls instead of white breeches and boots ...

Just as a reminder - the guard chasseurs had an actual "petite tenue", consisting of a green habit and red veste, as well as green trousers (and there also was a grande tenue ordinaire consisting of a green habit, a red laced veste, and green breeches). I don't know who started that hybrid uniform thing. Of course, may have been worn, occasionally, but I would have preferred either "grand uniforme" or "petit uniforme". The Revell chasseurs at least wear their dolmans solo (except for the officer), that's better. And yes, the Strelets horses are awful - and, to me, look quite heavy, too. No comparison with the Revell horses.

Now, at least we get an army of 1/72 scale standard bearers carrying 1/32 scale guidons, a second army of troopers holding a bottle of wine or schnaps, a third army of troopers filling their pipes, and a fourth army of officers smoking cigars or cigarettes, that's quite something. But, wait a minute! Smoking cigarettes - wasn't that a typical Spanish thing, at the time? Our soldiers preferred smoking tobacco in a pipe, chewing it, or snuffing it, didn't they? Which makes me wonder - where are the tobacco tins? :innocent:

"On tient le tabac rapé"!


Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters


I agree with most of your points. The figures themselves are nice and it's a relief to see the sabres weren't forgotten. I especially like the busbies because previously they always were too small, both with the Revell and Italeri sets. Compare those with the real thing:

so this part has been really well done. It's also good to see that there are only two completely "relaxed" poses (the guy with the cigar and the one with the bottle), so most are useable as soldiers waiting or on picket duty. In the field, the pelisse would rarely be seen (or worn with arms in sleeves), but hey it adds colour to an otherwise somewhat dull unit and as Napoleon's personal squadron they'll be fine. As to the horses, the poses are ok, but we have certainly seen better sculpts (but also much worse), especially the heads and manes could be better. I don't have too many spare horses for these troops, so I guess I'll have to make do with these.

All in all a useful set, I'd give them a 7 or 8 on a 10 point scale. Well, perhaps a 7, because of the oversized guidon :upside_down_face:


yeah, the hybrid dress is awkward. The guy with pipe can be remedied, it's not very visible anyway, so a few cuts and off goes the pipe and he's just holding the reins.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Excellent poses. I agree with some of the criticisms but I shall buy them, even though there are NO CIVILIANS :white_frowning_face:

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Dear Murat,

may we suggest you to watch the sprues, images of which will follow shortly.


Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Dear Murat,

may we suggest you to watch the sprues, images of which will follow shortly.

I'm intrigued. I shall be watching in eager anticipation.:sunglasses:

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Well, what is on the box should be in the box, right? These two young ladies, one in winter dress, the other one in summer dress, so graceful, so much prettier than what we were threatened with here

And have you seen that valet carrying his master's overcoat? Um, what was his name? Ah, yes ...


Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

I really like chasseurs à cheval de la Garde figures. The poses are exactly what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, I will probably replace the heads of the horses.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Yes, another set with beautifully sculpted figures and really novel and interesting poses.

Thanks Strelets,


Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Some fine sculpting here and some interesting poses, useful for standing guard over The Emperor or as picquets. Those holding carbines are particularly useful for this latter duty.

Inevitably this set will be compared with the Revell set, which in my view is one of the finest sets of Napoleonic Light Cavalry ever made in 1/72 plastic.

I agree with much of what is said above regarding uniform, horses and the huge guidon/eagle. The sculpting of the eagle is great, but again there is a huge error in providing such a large standard for a light cavalry unit. Is the sculptor/team designing these sets under a directive of 'must have a very large standard'? It is not right and again is a wasted figure unless the buyer is capable of converting him to a more useful cavalryman.

For my part, I will certainly buy a box of these, maybe two. The guidon/standard/eagle will be sacrificed to the 'spares' box as soon as politely possible, and a replacement sword arm will be found.

...And hopefully one day Strelets will start to produce Napoleonic cavalry 'at the advance': trotting horses, sabres drawn and resting on shoulders, not charging about but moving forward. It is the pose that almost everyone wants to buy lots of.

Have a good weekend:relaxed:

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters


...And hopefully one day Strelets will start to produce Napoleonic cavalry 'at the advance': trotting horses, sabres drawn and resting on shoulders, not charging about but moving forward. It is the pose that almost everyone wants to buy lots of.

Have a good weekend:relaxed:
Amen to that Minuteman!

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

I like them a lot, especially the large Colpacks which are excellent. I'm building the Service Squadron for La Belle Alliance and these will look very good. I do agree that horses are a bit primitive and I may exchange them for something more life-like.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

Yes i agree with all that has been mentioned above, saying that i have a use for 3 possibly more boxes of these.
Ill just swap out the rubish horses and use franznap ones.

Re: French Guard Chasseurs Masters

As a wargamer I don't need any more guard light cavalry but I guess I could use them as line hussars elite companies - horses will be fine with a lick of paint, nice to see them in restrained poses.