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Latest box art

The new batch of War of Spanish Succession sets with their 'new style' box art are looking good. The French Artillery set is certainly dramatic, and represents the contents of the set well - gunners in action and rather small guns; the uniforms are correct as is the colour of the gun carriage, so good painting references. The battery in this case appears possibly to be under some pretty intense shell-fire however (or are these simply a row of spikey trees behind the battery perhaps?), and the artist has emphasised the blast of the small 4 pounder (it cannot be anything bigger) as it fires. All good and dramatic stuff for what promises to be a very pleasing set of figures.

The Napoleonic British firing line is in the more usual style and does the job...although without their bayonets I wonder what will become of these British infantrymen once a column of French Infantry starts to 'get a bit too much' through weight of numbers. "Give them a volley and then charge!" as General Sir Thomas Picton might roar...well, not quite:wink:

Re: Latest box art

Yep the WSS French artillery set has got some wonderful box art there. Very nice.

The British firing line set has just been one really huge disappointment to me since the previewing of the masters. The box just confirms the sorry tale with the bayonets missing in the picture also!

Re: Latest box art

"The British firing line set has just been one really huge disappointment to me since the previewing of the masters. The box just confirms the sorry tale with the bayonets missing in the picture also!"

Sound and justified criticism. Bayonets were compulsory at the time. Look at the regulations of any nation you like.

I give up on Strelets. In my opinion, they take the mickey out of us. The more intelligent, the more honest among us get it. As for the rest, it's me who gives a ****.

Strelets is the last bigger manufacturer in the business. That's why they think they can afford whatever they like. Well, we'll see ...