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Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

A further 11 sets!!!! Wow!!! I have bought multiples of every WoSS set issued so far and will buy all of those planned for the future. Well done, Strelets. The figures are superb. :relaxed:

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Best Strelets series with regard to figure quality and due to the scope of the conflict and the nations involved should appeal to an equally broad number of customers. Keep up the good work!

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Bravo, Strelets! We look forward to the continuation of the line.

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Dear Strelets, am looking forward to all the upcoming WSS sets as well as the 11 new sets you mentioned, this period is very fascinating to me (actually i mean obsessed!!), have walked most of the battlefields and collected a vast range of books, prints etc not to mention several 1000 painted figures both metal & plastic to recreate WSS battles on the table top, and have similarly done same for GNW, Vienna 1683, and over the decades done Naps ACW, ECW, SYW, AWI

may i suggest if and when you do command/personality sets, suggest a officer's horse drawn coach

i must again compliment greatly your sculpting team on the outstanding work they do, truly excellent

one area not really covered to our scale is WSS in Spain, in particular Portuguese troops although looking at the forthcoming French Dragoon sets these could well be used for Portuguese Dragoons

stay safe out there
cheers Old John

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

The WSS range is indeed very well done and Strelets should be applauded for covering it so comprehensively. Even though my main historical area of interest is the 20th century, I bought some of the WSS infantry sets simply because they were such nice figures.

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Great news about the 11 sets, I can't wait, but my painting arm says take it slow. More Napoleonic civilians will be great, I'll be buying the sets even though I have enough Napoleonics.

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

None of any of this sounds the least bit deserty....

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

As I walked the dogs this morning
it just occured to me
ther're fellows out there yearning
for what they cannot see.
They feel just like ol' Rommmel
who uttered desperate cries
as he searched the horizon
in hope of some supplies.
So keep your water rationed
prepare for a draught
Be patient and cheerful
it won't be for naught.
And if the time of waiting
should ever be too long
just walkabout and whistle
an old Oasis song.

Sorry, that's what happens if too much nonsense accumulates under an old curly wurly wig ...

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Very good!! 😂😂

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Dear Minuteman,

it's only when you really dip into this conflict (which, by no means, was an English-French affair alone), that you start to realise what a :weight_lifter: that is to re-create, at least, the main battles. As a matter-of-fact, during this week-end we decided on the next 11 sets that will expand the series in mid- and longer term. On the back of that decision we gave you assurances, that, in due course, you will have other WSS personalities.

Best regards,

Thank you for your wonderful notice of a further expansion of WSS!

Please don´t forget Prince Eugene and the austrians!

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Dear Strelets, You are totally Crazy
... and that's why we like You!:the_horns:

Re: A set of War of Spanish Succession Generals?

Wow, 11 sets! That is an incredible commitment these days, well done and good luck! We will be here. :sunglasses: