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Re: Dutch Troops

Just have a look at: under Periods - Napoleonic Wars - Netherlands.
I think these are the only ones. A WWII set of Dutch troops by Caesar never materialized.

Re: Dutch Troops

re Dutch troops have a look at Early War Miniatures who do a 20mm metal range - Dutch Army of 1940.
Hope this helps.
Stay safe

Re: Dutch Troops


could someone, please, remind us if Dutch troops of any era were ever made in 1/72?

Dear Strelets,

I think the simple answer is 'Very few'. I have just checked on the Hannants search engine and this has revealed three sets only currently available, all Napoleonic. One of these is infantry (a rather old and not very good set); one is cavalry (an old but better set); and the third is artillery (again, not a very good set). There is one good Nassau infantry set, which can be used as Dutch Napoleonic infantry, but even so there are very few figure options.

I would say that there is great potential for Dutch troops, both for the WoSS - where they were a very important force (eg: the famous Dutch 'Blue Guards'); certainly for the Napoleonic era (eg: Dutch Carabiner cavalry); and also for WW2 (European and/or Far eastern troops).

Best regards


Re: Dutch Troops

If you were to produce a Dutch Army range for the Waterloo campaign it would be very popular and meet a need that is very scantily covered at present. By 'Dutch' you should cover the full Kingdom of the Netherlands Army, including Belgians. The range might include:

Dutch Line Infantry - Austrian style shakos
Dutch Light Infantry as above with green coats and wings
Belgian Line Infantry - British style 'Belgic' shako
Militia - British style Stovepipe shako
Artillery - Austrian style shako
Belgian Carabiniers - Grecian Helmet
Dutch Carabiniers - cocked hats
Light Dragoons

Please with bayonets, muskets and no forage caps!

Re: Dutch Troops

There are some sets, but not tons.

Visit the website Plastic Soldier Review for comprehensive lists of what has been and currently still is being made. With reviews obviously...including your own sets too.

As for Napoleonic "Gaps"

Dutch/Belgian Carabiniers Heavy Cavalry: (The Dutch wore cocked hats, the single Belgian regiment a helmet like that of French Carabiniers).

Dutch & Belgian Hussars

Dutch Militia (only a half set on sale)

Belgian Infantry (again only a half set).

Re: Dutch Troops

I second the rest, basically it is Waterloo Campaign only at the moment for pure 1/72 scale plastics. The only thing I will add is I know for a fact some collectors were disappointed when Caesar Miniatures failed to produce the WWII Dutch/Belgian set they promised, so there is certainly possibilities there.

Re: Dutch Troops

Dear Sir,

Hat do Dutch Waterloo Infantry.

They also do Dutch Belgian cavalry ( Dragoons and hussars) Militia/ line and artillery.

PSR has the details

I hope that this is of help.

Best wishes,


Re: Dutch Troops

WWII European Dutch would be great figures.
And WWII Colonial Dutch; Royal Netherlands East Indies Army KNIL have been on my list for years. The fought the Japanese at the beginning of hostilities in the Pacific, alongside American and Australian troops.

No one makes these in plastic, there are a few metal figures of the European Dutch but none of the Colonial that I am aware of.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Dutch Troops

Thanks for bringing Dutch troops to all our attenion, Strelets!

May I suggest to expand the WSS range to Dutch troops? Now it seems it was a purely Anglo-French squabble, which it wasn't. Dutch Republican troops (Staatse Leger), played a major role in the war and some of its units were famous and crack, like the Blue Guards.
Here some info:

And I second the calls for more Nappie Dutch and WW2 era Dutch Army in 1940 and KNIL.

Re: Dutch Troops

back in 1960s/1970s, Hinton Hunt produced a good range in metal of Napoleonic Dutch/Belgian troops , both cavalry and infantry as well as a great mounted figure of Prince of Orange, they sometimes turn up on Ebay, see old blog for full listing of Hinton Hunt figures, Vintage 20mil

The Netherlands 1814-15
Dutch-Belgian Infantry 1815
DN 1 Belgian Officer, charging
DN 2 Belgian Private, firing
DN 3 Belgian Private, charging
DN 14 Dutch Private, advancing
DN 16 Dutch Officer, marching
DN 17 Dutch Private, marching
DN 24 Militia Private, advancing
DN 26 Militia Officer, bell topped shako, marching
DN 27 Militia Private, marching
Dutch-Belgian Cavalry 1815
DN 36 Carabinier (Horse FNH5)
DN 40 Light Dragoon (Horse FNH3)
Dutch-Belgian Line Artillery 1815
DN 50 Officer Pointing
DN 51 Gunner with porte-fire
DN 52 Gunner ramming home
DN 53 Gunner holding cannon ball
DN 54 Gunner with hand spike
DN 55 Gunner, ammunition carrier, running
Note: Use with gun and limber A4 and AL4
Dutch-Belgian Staff 1815
DN 30 HRH The Prince of Orange (Horse DNH1)
DN 31 General (Horse FNH3)

Re: Dutch Troops

Hat do Dutch/Belgian hussars??

Their light cavalry set is a 50/50 of Dutch 4th and 5th Belgian Light Dragoons. To my knowledge they haven't done the 6th Dutch or 8th Belgian hussars.

Certainly nobody has done the heavy cavalry, not in plastic anyway.

They do indeed have a box for the normal Dutch line infantry though.

They do also have a 50/50 mixed box for the Dutch Militia and Belgian Infantry, but poses are limited due to being mixed. The Militia at least deserve their own sets as there was many battalions of them.

"nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

THAT heavy? :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry" in nobody has done the NAPOLEONIC Netherlands heavy cavalry!! Lol 😂👍

A very nice curly wig figure there though! The WSS brigade should like him..whoever he is!! I like the Sword. At least from the angle of that picture it seems to have the "presence" of a heavy cavalry sword.

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

THAT heavy? :slightly_smiling_face:
This gentleman may be heavy but he is quite small. :relaxed: Is this Dutch/Danish cavalry for the WoSS?

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

You're going to ruin my budget for this year ...

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

Another wonderful add for SSW...but this fig have got a big head and too short legs...i think.

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

Hes is a little bit odd in anatomy, but not as bad as the Plastic Soldier Company figures...they look like something from Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter!!!

Re: "nobody has done the heavy cavalry"

THAT heavy? :slightly_smiling_face:
William III?

Re: Dutch Troops

Hat initially issued a Dutch infantry set, which had some nice poses,but needed to improve. They made the great decision to redo the set. Coincidentally I got both sets(not knowing there were two versions) and have been using them side by side. It is an idea for manufacturers to redo their early sets(which usually have some quality issues) and release the newly reworked sets, especially for the most popular eras. I am a.o.thinking of the French dragoons and cuirassiers both in summer and winter gear, as well as the minisets of the guard chasseurs and the Russian grenadiers by your company.

Re: Dutch Troops

As an after thought, the artillery set was by Waterloo 1815. I replaced the guns with French and British models.

Re: Dutch Troops

Put me down for remade French Cuirassiers for sure!!
I have a soft spot for those old cavalry sets. I always liked the pose where a horse was falling and the rider was going flying. Just a simple nod to the reality of war.

I didnt know Hat redid the Waterloo Dutch Infantry?! Have to investigate that one as that would be great. The firing kneeling figure always seemed awkward to me in that set compared to his standing comrade.

Re: Dutch Troops

Can't speak for other eras but definitely no plastic WWII Dutch. I would buy such a set without hesitation.

Re: Dutch Troops

Graham Korn
Can't speak for other eras but definitely no plastic WWII Dutch. I would buy such a set without hesitation.
I agree with you Graham. The set from Caesar never materialized, so the door is wide open for someone to make some WW2 Dutch and finally fill that gap.

Re: Dutch Troops

I fully agree. Yes Strelets please fulfill a longtime dream: Dutch WW2 to fight in Europe and against the Japanese. Fill this gap and then Norwegian army for WW2

Re: Dutch Troops

yes all for allied early war.but 1st choice would be the bef 1939.1940 dutch cool but only at war for 4 days in zealand they held out to the 17th 7 days norwegians .belgians greeks knli would be better but happy with any to tell the truth,just think bef would be a better seller but thats just me

Re: Dutch Troops

see Early War Miniatures earlier post for Dutch Army of 1940 in 20mm metal and many more lesser nations and conflicts if this is of any interest and use to you.
Best regards

Re: Dutch Troops

Greeks would be great and also Chinese forces from 1931 onwards. If anyone is interested you should look up the Greek campaign on Kings and Generals on youtube.

Re: Dutch Troops

I would be very greatfull for any (ALL) the Dutch, Belgium forces to be done by Stretlets.
Please make the sculpter do his historical homework before they start.
P.S. can we please have some more Brunswickers aswell?? E.g. on tge march, in attack etc??
Many thaks Phil

Re: Dutch Troops

Yes it would be great to see some Nap Netherlands sets. The Heavy Cavalry Carabiniers and the Hussars definately.
As for Brunswickers, I'd love to see a set of them in square.

As for who is in charge of research, not sure if its the sculpter or a member(s) of Strelets team.