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Re: Take the High Road

General Picton, Sire,

again this is very impressiv...

The Rue de Mouton in the summer of 1815... I'm curious when the "Black Comrades" will appear there ...

And as you can see, the French even set a booby trap on the street.
Incredible *******s.. :laughing: :grimacing:

Sire, while talking about the former Lutzow-corps and his incorporation into the Prussian Army...; Have you seen my Lützow-Uhlans-Conversions here in the forum ??

Re: Take the High Road

They are a passiv result of your work on the Plancenoit-Diorama...this gives me motivation to start my cavalry project:

I'm still working on showing all squadrons of the "black regiment" ... but a few modifications are required. I hope to be able to show you some photos of it soon.

Re: Take the High Road

I did indeed see them, Gerd, and think they are fantastic. I totally agree with your decision to re-horse them and add new lances. They are an example of Strelets at their best, and now you have elevated them to a new level. Just wish you were part of our project, our work complements each other so well.

Re: Take the High Road

Looking at those close up pictures of the street with rubble and discarded limber/caissons, I almost forgot I was looking at a model such is the quality!!!
Great work from you & your father yet again.

Re: Take the High Road

Thank you, Roger. It really motivates to get that kind of feedback!

Re: Take the High Road

Yes, it would be an honour to be part of such a great project.

I've often thought about building a real big diorama. But I don't have the space and the time to do it. And probably there is also a lack of lasting motivation to implement such a large project. With several people you can also divide the work and each builds the parts that make him the most fun. So I would really enjoy taking part in such a great thing.

What you've created with your dad is really fantastic.
I'm looking forward to seeing your ACW-Lützower.
Horrido Lützow !!! :guardsman:

Re: Take the High Road

Thanks Gerd, I think your style exactly matches our project. I can't quite tell from your reply whether you would like to join the project in practice or whether you would like to join the project in theory. Given that you don't have the space or time to do a project like this by yourself, to involve you in our project in a specialist way with the type of units that you excel at would be fantastic. For instance, I could see your Prussian cavalry and infantry playing a prominent part in this section of the diorama. It's completely up to you but we would welcome your talent!

Re: Take the High Road

Splendid work indeed! I've always admired those big dioramas whether they are in museums or private. The love for detail shown in the houses, landscape and figures is fascinating. Very cool stuff! Chapeau!

Re: Take the High Road

Merci Flambeau!

Re: Take the High Road

Happy days ahead for the roof tilers.

The buildings and roads look fabulous, very realistic. And the landscape modeling is superb; it doesn't look like a model at all; the vegetation looks like it just grew there by itself.

Re: Take the High Road

Thanks Graeme, much appreciated my father does the buildings and I do the scenery. I used to do all the figures, but now have several helpers.