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Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

:+1: Hope you show us some wonderful lancers in the next months :wink:

Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

This will take at least two tall cups of coffee to check out all the tasty eye candy!

In the mean time, I'm going to echo Flambeau's compliment ... "Well done! Fine paint job and a nice setting plus some really good conversions!"

Thank you for sharing your fine work!

Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

May I add my name to the previous host of admirers, what a splendid mounted battle lines. The care and attention you give too them particularly the conversions make me feel a little ashamed,I feel I've done well if I cut off a bit of flash.
I shall further glean the figures for painting ideas as I did with your standing Prussians.
Thank you for sharing

Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

Hello Paul,
Thank you for the praise. I am very pleased that my work has paid off. And because you all create so great things yourself, I particularly appreciate your judgment.

Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

What a most splendid collection of Prussians.

You have worked wonders on these and that, together with the superb photography has resulted in something very special.

Their is a real ‘prescience’ in these pictures, and the pennants look lovely.

Well done indeed.

Best wishes,


Re: My Prussian Uhlans (Set 228) -- with little conversions

Thank you Chris !