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Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Great to see a Napoleonic set on the horizon seems to be a long time.
lets hope there is a few more in Strelets future plans:mask:

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Well better than looking at a snake (just) or reading Billy Smiths rubbish.

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Hi Strelets,
Wonderful idea to do Napoleonic casualties. However, I am worried about the Brown Bess muskets; they may also be too short and please add the bayonet. it's quite cumbersome to do that myself every time.
I hope this can still be resolved before you make the mould.
Otherwise, best of luck and keep them coming!

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Very useful set. I do like especially the nun!

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

What? That's a nun? Oh my! Thanks for clarifying. Well, when I look at that face I understand why (s)he became a nun ... :innocent:

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

What? That's a nun? Oh my! Thanks for clarifying. Well, when I look at that face I understand why (s)he became a nun ... :innocent:
😂😂😂😂😂 good one!

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Goodie. More civilians :)
The soldiers are good too

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

****... even more beautiful Napoleonic figures... Can someone tell me how to find the time to paint them all?

The Muskets should really be reworked. Because a Brown Bess-Musket is really a very "slim girl". :kissing_heart:

Source: Davide Pedersoli

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

I personally love the civilian figures and while I'd buy a box or two of a separate set, the inclusion in regular set is (IMO at least) much more useful than the Streltsi figures. I was always intrigued by the Streltsi but find civilians more useful in my scenarios. I would like some refugee poses or perhaps some females nursing the wounded.

I'm also stoked by the casualty figures. I agree the weapons look a bit bulky but the overall impression is still good - and the figures are much needed. I always tell gamers use them for casualty markers. JMO again, to each his/her own.

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

****... even more beautiful Napoleonic figures... Can someone tell me how to find the time to paint them all?

The Muskets should really be reworked. Because a Brown Bess-Musket is really a very "slim girl". :kissing_heart:

Source: Davide Pedersoli
I have a real one on my hobby room wall, a very slim firearm.

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

I have TWO real ones....

and a real Prussian 1809 ...

:wink: :smile:

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

I really like the Casualty figures. I hope you do the same with new Highlander sets. And please use the sculptor you used for the Highlander Standing at Ease set. That's a keeper! Have a fun and safe weekend Strelets Team and families! :+1:

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

Im hopeing that its a complete box of casualties and not just 1 or 2 in a box.
As its been said there are not enough on the market.
Yes the brown bess is tooooo fat it needs slimming plus a boyonet, as almost all would have been fitted dureing the conflict.
Saying all that im eagerly awaiting there release.
Keep up the great work your keeping this Nappy fan HAPPY.

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

The civilians must be the parents of a fallen soldier, stricken with grief.

Strelets, this is a first one for me, is bringing tears to my eyes.

May there be a life after death for all those, who are so honored by our amazing Strelets team. I have been around plastic soldiers for almost 5 decades now, and I continue to be very pleasantly surprised and impressed. More and more I feel like a serious historical art collector.

Thank you Strelets!

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

ciao, a tutti ovviamente stra felice e soddisfatto di veder finalmente le tanto attese ( almeno per me...) figure in attacco (ferit).... dell'epoca napoleonica.... Spero vivamente che riguarderanno anche per le figure di altri set come per gli highlanders e per le truppe francesi vecchia guardia e fanteria di linea sia in versione invernale sia estiva, oltre che per i prussiani di linea e landwehr, ma soprattutto, per i brunswickers, e magari dei Nassauers e belga olandesi o Hannover ... Inoltre credo che una figura o due con fucile senza baionetta.... ( anche se effettivamente un po' troppo grosso) (magari potrebbe andar bene per un rifleman) ....potrebbe essere accettabile come già in altri set strelets precedenti l'importante è che le altre figure le abbiano.... cmq sono curioso di veder se saranno pose in atto di difesa tipo formazione quadrati, o pose stile corpo a corpo.... vedremo, la pazienza alla fine ci premierà....
Riguardo invece ai civili mi aspetto siano di un altro set magari sempre di contorno a un set di cavalleria magari britannica questa volta.... cmq i miei complimenti a strelets continuate così....magari con nuovi set di artiglierie napoleoniche :)

Re: Friday. Time for a rest (hopefully, not eternal) is near.

If these casualty figures finally herald the arrival of some much requested "firing line" sets, that would indeed be great. :+1:
Very much hope that Strelets, away from the usual Waterloo cliché, will certainly offer such sets for the considerable armies of the crucial battles & campaigns of 1812-15.
Corresponding "in action" sets (firing, reloading, casualties) would be highly desirable for French, Russians, Austro-Hungarians, Prussians in particular, but also for other essential troop contingents that participated in decisive battles, Poles, Bavarians & others...

The remarkable civilian bonus figures are, as always, most welcome. :+1: