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Re: Need help finding image of Louis XIII Royal Musketeers Flag

My bad, sorry. You're of course right. I should have checked the dates first. Louis XIV did rule a very long time.

Re: Need help finding image of Louis XIII Royal Musketeers Flag

What about this one?
That's from Claude Antoine Littret de Montigny's work "Uniformes militaires, où se trouvent gravés en taille-douce les uniformes de la Maison militaire du Roi" from 1722, the inscription above the picture says 1622 (maybe an error by the artist, but may also be correct).

Re: Need help finding image of Louis XIII Royal Musketeers Flag

The date refers to the year the company was established. Has nothing to do with the flag.

As mentioned, no contemporary picture of a flag is known. The caption clearly refers to the whole picture, i.e. flag and man - "Mousquetaire de la Ire compag [ n ] ie en 1622 [meaning: fondée en 1622] ". If Montigny's illustration (published 1772, not 1722 BTW) had meant to represent a flag dated 1622, the musketeer's appearance would have to suit that date as well, which evidently is not the case. :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: Need help finding image of Louis XIII Royal Musketeers Flag

I really shouldn't try to interpret french texts ... 😒

Re: Need help finding image of Louis XIII Royal Musketeers Flag

Some pictures by Stefano della Bella (one of my favorite TYW-era artists), made c. 1640, showing French troops, among them Mousquetaires du Roi

The cavalry in the background on the right wearing cassocks with crosses - no flag around

A trumpeter who appears to be wearing a cassock with a cross, probably of the King's musketeers.

Troopers and two drummers of the King's musketeers - no flags anywhere

King's musketeers - no flags are shown