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Re: Friday...

Roger W
Ah here we are again. The weekly "on tour" Adam and the Ants tribute band sculpts.

Marching along, discussing whether they will start their next gig with "Prince Charming" or "Stand and Deliver".

Which set gets the Diana Dors bonus civilian figure?!! 😁
Well yes I would be happier with figures from Tina Turner classic We don't need another hero.
Still nappy and Adam lovers are being kept happy of late. Slightly off point why can I mail order goods from China no postage charges or import duty but from the UK 80 euros of goodies cost 127.65 euros.

Re: Friday...

Hi Johnny.
Due to the use of Euros as currency im guessing you are based on mainland Europe?
I could be wrong, but didnt the EU sign some sort of trade deal with China recently??
If so then maybe thats why you are able to order direct from China. Or maybe there is some sort of threshold that if you are under, you dont have pay anything, but if your parcel is over then yes you do?

As for extra charges from buying within UK, its because we have now left the EU. There are rather high prices now concerning import/export, depending on handler/courier, VAT etc etc. Whether it all gets sorted out im not sure, but there are plenty of people both sides of the channel who wish it was sorted out properly and efficiently and made less complicated!! Hannants I believe arent even dispatching parcels to the EU currently as they are having troubles with it all.

I keep weighing up getting some figures from Spiera Miniatures who I believe are based in Sweden. However im concerned about what import/customs duties i will have to pay on top of my order & postage costs so am a little put off currently. Annoying as I would really like to order some, but in these uncertain times, I have to watch the finances.

Re: Friday...

Which set gets the Diana Dors bonus civilian figure?!!

Someone is showing his age - Jayne Mansfield as well? :innocent:
Not my period but this figure range looks excellent and good luck to those who collect them. Great to see Strelet producing sets that are different.

As for desert subjects instead of FFL some Colonial Vichy French?

Re: Friday...

Which set gets the Diana Dors bonus civilian figure?!!

Someone is showing his age - Jayne Mansfield as well? :innocent:
Not my period but this figure range looks excellent and good luck to those who collect them. Great to see Strelet producing sets that are different.

As for desert subjects instead of FFL some Colonial Vichy French?

Haha. Im 38.

I just know Diana Dors was in the music video for "Prince Charming". She was the fairy godmother!

Re: Friday...

Thanks for the photos of some more great figures! The animals and men look very natural. The great sculpting continues to impress me. Like that lace{:-))

Re: Friday...

More lovely figures.

Re: Friday...

They are great, but I'm worried about the other lines...we haven't seen anything new coming for FFL/Rif War, ACW, Boer War, WW2, WW1 in a while...

Re: Friday...

Do you know how uncomfortable keeping your fingers and toes crossed all night is Strelets ?? ....anyway nice, but painting WSS figures takes an age, WW2 Desert figures are quicker and thus you get the effort equals reward hit sooner, this in turn encourages you to buy/paint more,so like Baratheon has said other periods too please.

Re: Friday...

Dear Strelets,

Another fine looking set. You are certainly doing the War of Spanish Succession 'in full' and with more to come, which is excellent. I for one an happy to wait for sets from other periods while this occurs.

Adam and the Ants tribute band on tour, brilliant Roger!

Regards, James