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Re: RIP Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer WAS Wellington for me. A sad loss but he will live on in my house via the "Waterloo" DVD a couple of times every year.

I'm also not a fan of "The Sound of Money", it's really not my kind of thing at all. And, like the other musicals, any time I've watched it I've been extremely irritated by the fact that I sort of enjoyed it despite my concerted efforts not to. Best if I just stick to "Waterloo" and "The Battle of Britain".

Re: RIP Christopher Plummer

Christopher Plummer was for me just like David Niven; they only got better as they got older in their roles. And they both entertained us right to the end. There were no movies they made I didn't like; just liked some more than others. No retirement for them. They went down fighting until their last line was acted out. Thanks for the memories!

Re: RIP Christopher Plummer

Great actor -I never liked Sound of Music (do not think he did either) - can you believe in 1965 it beat out Doctor Zhivago for best picture.

A great Christopher Plummer movie is Murder by Decree (1979)- about the Jack the Ripper murders - James Mason, Anthony Quayle etc.