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Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Dear Graham,

Strelets said why they had a favourite set from another manufacturer but didn't actually say which set this was

The question was whether we had a favourite set from other manufacturers, not which one.
We tend to respond to direct questions, not implied ones:slightly_smiling_face: .

Best regards,


Re: Top Sellers and flops...

The question was whether we had a favourite set from other manufacturers, not which one.
We tend to respond to direct questions, not implied ones:slightly_smiling_face: .
O.K. I'll bite. Which One?

The French Army Camp was innovative, imaginative, a bit out of the ordinary and fun. the kind of set that everyone wanted one of. I think it kept it's appeal well after the early days, there was someone on one of the forums looking for one for sale just a week or two ago. Interesting that it has sold more than the sets that everyone buys 50 boxes of though (tongue firmly in cheek here), I think it shows there's a real place for sets that explore outside the envelope.

I agree with the previous comment on the transport sets. Those mules and their generic canvas loads are fabulous and so versatile.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Dear Minuteman,

success of the French Camp set has nothing to do with its merits per se.
Back then the market was empty - ESCI had died, Revell had quitted, HaT was only starting, hence every set had chances for commercial success.
Since then situation has changed drastically and, irrespective how perfect will be a set you release, it won't sell in numbers, achievable in early 2000s.

Best regards,


Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Thanks for answering our questions Mr Strelets its good see it from from your point of view and its nice to hear little bits on how Strelets is run.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Gosh,I loved the Russo-Turkish stuff.A conflict with which I had only a passing familiarity.
Along with the sets for the Crimean period I was intrigued by the mixture of the last vestiges of napoleonic grandeur of the uniforms and the beginning of industrialised warfare.
The other period produced by Strelets that caught my fancy was the Russian civil war.Again colourful and somewhat exotic uniforms yet still beginning to exhibit the influences of lessons learned on the eastern front.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

I agree, Celtic Warrior. I've always had a soft spot for the Russo-Turkish War (no idea why) but I did secure some fantastic old books on the topic. Many years ago I had boxes of FFL put aside for Russians in Summer Uniform and boxes of Zouaves to serve as Turks. I was able to move those on once the Strelets figures came out. I have large numbers painted (just need to get around to basing them up for gaming.

I suspect the Strelets Turks sold a lot better than the Russians, as they could be used for the Crimean War as well, and many would have been dragooned into service as Egyptians in the Sudan campaigns.


PS. A few of those FFL were painted up as Russians in Summer Uniform :wink:

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

i would have thought one of the re ran sets was the top seller.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Cool thread, I have never know a manufacturer to be so interactive with its customers as Strelets. I will continue to support this hobby regardless of whether I ever get to see the sets I would like if ever.

Top Stuff!

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Thanks for replying Strelets. Interesting insight provided. It was remiss of me to not ask WHICH is your favourite set by another manufacturer...Which is your favourite set ever produced by another manufacturer? Thanks again!

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

that will be Revell's
30 Years war Artillery and
WWII German Artillery


Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Good choices. The British Napoleonic set was similarly interesting, but 30YW was just such a radical set

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

if i had to name a favorite set from another company imperial artillery would be at the top.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

Thanks for your reply again Strelets! The 30 Y/W artillery was the first set I ever purchased and still one of my absolute favourites! A bench mark for every other producer to aim for I think.

Re: Top Sellers and flops...

that will be Revell's
30 Years war Artillery and
WWII German Artillery

Yes the Revell WW2 horse drawn German artillery has always been a favourite of mine. One of the few sets available showing the reality of the German army that was well behind in mechanisation of its forces. compare and contrast to the Airfix RHA set which was a real turkey!