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Plastic Army Women

BMC is running a Kickstarter to do Plastic Army Women. They are designed to be useable with their classic "Vietnam" style US Army troops from Tim Mee. The Kickstarter is very successful and is almost over, only two days left.

I would love to have more figures like this one in 1/72nd scale. Include one female figure in ever set as a soldier, or as a female civilian, from any era, I think, is a great idea.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Plastic Army Women

I agree MIKE would love to see civilians or a female soldier etc added to each sprue instead of the streletsi
Even a pack animal dare I say ????

Re: Plastic Army Women

Plastic Army Women fully funded with all Kickstarter goals reached, over $55,000.

Might be time for more women figures in the Strelets range.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog