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Flag Bearers without Flags

Morning everyone

I too will buy loads of these as they look great if I could however humbly suggest that future sets that depict nations that carried two flags into battle have a second flag added to the sprue. I would also love if the flag bearers only had a pole to which a paper flags could be added.

This is format used in many 28mm sets and which solves the problem of trying to paint a sculpted flag or cutting a flag away. It would also make sculpting of this pose easier and allow newer poses to be sculpted.

It might also be a new venture for Strelets, if they were to sell flags scaled to our sets as other people deem their to be a demand for this serice such as the lovely GMB flags

I wonder what strelets thinks about the points raised and the view of the others on this forum about these points.



Re: Flag Bearers without Flags

Alllan from Glasgow
Morning everyone

I too will buy loads of these as they look great if I could however humbly suggest that future sets that depict nations that carried two flags into battle have a second flag added to the sprue. I would also love if the flag bearers only had a pole to which a paper flags could be added.

This is format used in many 28mm sets and which solves the problem of trying to paint a sculpted flag or cutting a flag away. It would also make sculpting of this pose easier and allow newer poses to be sculpted.

It might also be a new venture for Strelets, if they were to sell flags scaled to our sets as other people deem their to be a demand for this serice such as the lovely GMB flags

I wonder what strelets thinks about the points raised and the view of the others on this forum about these points.


I have suggested this many time here, nothing is more frustrating than having to paint a flag, usually badly on my part.

Re: Flag Bearers without Flags

Hi Alan,

My painting skills are very basic but as many have said before a well produced flag draws all the attention to it.

Hopefully Strelets will think about it and give us some feedback on the figure molding and perhaps the issuing of their own flags.



Re: Flag Bearers without Flags

True, this comes up often. Here's my take ...

Airfix US Cavalry got it right. Why not have Infantry holding flags with one hand and the end attached at the base and not touching their heads at all. Link:

Otherwise ...

* Attached - Put an appropriate design on it.
* Attached - Two different action posed Bannerman would be a nice feature with other Command poses, but I buy multiple boxes so either way is OK.
* Attached - Attach it so it could easily be cut off meaning don't wrap it around the pole; make it attach minimally (they ain't gonna fall off).
* Attached - Make Bannermen's hands large so the whole flag could all be cut off and a new pole and flag plugged into his hands by using a Pin-vise (hand-twist) drill by conversion
* Attached - Flag flat enough to actually glue a paper print onto it, both sides
* Attached - Please, please, please stop wrapping the flag all around the Bannermen's heads and hats (makes doing conversions frustrating and un-fun).
* Attached - make the pole attached to his hands strongly, not sharp corners so it might break of with heavy handling, then it would be strong enough to not need to be wrapped around their heads.
* Attached - Wildly flapping flags wrapped around the pole with too many deep waves helps no one (hard to paint, can't cut off, and can't glue on a print either)

* Unattached - Just a pole

Revell 30 Years war and 7 Years Wars got some nice Bannermen. (See PSR)
I also like the Airfix Highlander Bannerman. (See PSR)

Personally, my choice again would be a standing figure holding the flag like the Airfix US Cavalry figure in one hand and attached at the base and not touching the head.

Re: Flag Bearers without Flags

I understand the drama of a pose with the flag wrapped around an ensign but in terms of practicality, I want to substitute a paper flag for a plastic one.

GC's solution (above) is perhaps the best compromise. An alternate is to perhaps have the "Drama Ensign" but also include another figure with an open hand you could glue a metal pole & paper flag into & a separate weapon that you can use if you do not want to use the figure for flag-carrying purposes. A bit complicated I know.

Re: Flag Bearers without Flags

A contrary view, if I may gents.

I love the moulded flags as they look so much better and add a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to the figure and the command stand (when thinking wargaming, but I reckon they look better in a diorama too). I don't mind painting them and, in fact, a partially-furled flag is easier as it is 'disjointed' anyway.

If I am being all 'conciliatory and understanding', then I guess I can use a standard-bearer with a pole as I'd add some tin foil or such and make a flag that I can shape. Don't much like them paper ones meself....

As Roy* would say "make of that what you will"!

*Rampaging Roy Slaven for the uninitiated

and a battered sav

James Fisher
A contrary view, if I may gents.

As Roy* would say "make of that what you will"!

*Rampaging Roy Slaven for the uninitiated
"There's no greater thrill than seeing a young collector with a box of Strelets Napoleonics in one hand and a chiko roll in the other".

Re: and a battered sav

To be fair I don't mind either way I quite like the built in flags & quite enjoy painting them.:smiling_imp: