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Re: Would you pay a little more ?


I can't see the point of casting command figures and then cutting them off the sprues. Lots of people want the extra figures and those that don't surely won't be forced to use them.

Recycling something never recoups the full cost of producing it in the first place so, theoretically, Strelets must actually be losing money by doing this. Better that we pay for the extra figures and actually recieve them. One of the manufacturers (I don't recall if it was Strelets or another one) told us the cost of plastic was only a minor part of the production cost so it's not likely to cost us a huge amount, and Strelets sets are not particularly expensive. The command figures Strelets is producing of late are very nice too, who wouldn't want more.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?


Re: Would you pay a little more ?

I don't see what's wrong with the way Strelets is doing it now? Best idea any manufacturer ever had!

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Sell the cut off ones as a command pack, then the guys that want them can by as many as they like.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Alan Buckingham
Sell the cut off ones as a command pack, then the guys that want them can by as many as they like.
I like Alan's idea myself. One of the things that gripes me about some sets has been having one officer or flag bearer for every eight men. For me a waste of plastic. I like Strelets' solution to the "problem" by having one command sprue or group in a box. I understand the need and desire for extra command figures and have used command sets from other companies to fill gaps in my other formations; but I like the flexibility a separate command set gives me. I only pay for figures I really need.

But, I'm philosophical about such things and can make do however Strelets goes. I would fork over the money for the sets but wouldn't be as happy as I am with the current configuration.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Hi Alan,

I would love it if Strelets went down the route of a separate command pack it would solve the question i raised they could even add in a mounted officer i would my tens of packs to go with all the sets i buy and also many more for older sets.



Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Alan Buckingham
Sell the cut off ones as a command pack, then the guys that want them can by as many as they like.
That would work too.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

I'm with you Bert. One of the (many) attractions of Strelets is the range of poses in each set, often including command figures, of which I find you can never have enough.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Agreed.Never enough command figures.

Re: Would you pay a little more ? Definitely.

Allan from Glasgow
Hi Guys

Would you pay a little more for your sets if all sprues had the command figures still attached this would give us extra command figures.

I believe this would be great for American Civil War and Napoleonic periods which require lots of command figures, any spares could be used to make stands at brigade/ Divisional level

My latest Prussian figures had 10 poses on 3 sprues with a fourth sprue having the ten poses and four command figures. i would love four of the later sprue and would pay the extra cost. what do you all think?

If Strelets is reading this what would be the chance of this becoming a reality.



PS Lovely new Russians cant wait to get my hands on them

A lot depends on your figure ratio as to how many command figures are needed per unit.

My standard Nap. battalion is 16 figures strong. I need quite a few commanders, ensign bearers, musicians: usually more than is in any box except for HaT sets.

So, yes, Allan, I would pay the extra.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Allan from Glasgow
Hi Guys

Would you pay a little more for your sets if all sprues had the command figures still attached this would give us extra command figures.

I believe this would be great for American Civil War and Napoleonic periods which require lots of command figures, any spares could be used to make stands at brigade/ Divisional level

My latest Prussian figures had 10 poses on 3 sprues with a fourth sprue having the ten poses and four command figures. i would love four of the later sprue and would pay the extra cost. what do you all think?

If Strelets is reading this what would be the chance of this becoming a reality.



PS Lovely new Russians cant wait to get my hands on them

Regarding the price: in France the boxes have already increased by € 2 in one year.
Regarding the content: well, I guess everyone has different interests. As far as I'm concerned, command figures in separate boxes are the best solution. Indeed, it allows everyone to control the proportion of each figure. For the players I understand that it takes a lot of officers, flags etc ... On the other hand, for someone who reproduces battalions to 1/1 it has no interest, it's even very expensive. For example for a company of about 120 to 130 soldiers I would have to buy 4 boxes instead of 3 and I would have 15 flags, 14 drums and 13 officers who will be good to throw or 42 figurines!

It is obvious that under these conditions I would buy a maximum of one box ... or no boxes at all. But maybe I am one of the few to think that way.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Perhaps it is the “bonus” Strelsi figure that should be reduced to one and the officer figure reproduced on the sprue.
A lot of guys have testified that the bonus figure is a waste anyway and if only one were being produced per box,then those that do collect them would have in their possession an even rarer figure.
Just a suggestion.:wink:

Re: Would you pay a little more ?


Strelets can sell a whole extra box to people who want more command figures. Raw material cost minimal, so virtually all profit, and generates sales.

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Dear Mark,

It's not about profit, really. It's about right proportions of command and rank and file.
Best regards,


Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Allan from Glasgow
Hi Guys

Would you pay a little more for your sets if all sprues had the command figures still attached this would give us extra command figures.

I believe this would be great for American Civil War and Napoleonic periods which require lots of command figures, any spares could be used to make stands at brigade/ Divisional level

My latest Prussian figures had 10 poses on 3 sprues with a fourth sprue having the ten poses and four command figures. i would love four of the later sprue and would pay the extra cost. what do you all think?

If Strelets is reading this what would be the chance of this becoming a reality.



PS Lovely new Russians cant wait to get my hands on them

Absolutely NOT. The old premium Strelets-R sets had every figure in a unique pose whereas the cheaper, great value, Strelets-Mini had 4 identical sprues. Now Strelets are cynically putting out Strelets-Mini sets with 3 of the 4 command groups chopped off and thrown in the bin and selling them as expensive Strelets-R! And you are suggesting we pay MORE for this scam???

I have this bridge in London over the Thames river you might want to buy...

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Hi Steve,

You do realise I was posting a very civil questions to fellow collectors and to Strelets if they were seeing the original post.

I respect your right to comment on my question but please this a friendly forum that allows a lot of topics to be freely discussed without sarcastic comments about our points of view or your pretty poor view of strelets new format for producing figures at different stages of battle, which has been well received by many in the hobby.

Good luck with your collecting and have a nice day



P.s if your selling a bridge you might want to have a word with Boris he is always looking for a new project

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Thank you, Allan, but my comments (politely phrased) stand. Grateful to read if you or Strelets have any substantive reply on the issues I raised?

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Dear Mr. Strelets,

Re: Set STR180 Prussian Infantry Standing Shoulder Arms

From what previous forum people have highlighted is that in this set; three of the sprues have the two figures on the left and three figures on the right cut off or removed. So 1 Streltsi and 4 Prussians are lost from each sprue.

Q1a. So what do you (Mr. Strelets and/or manufacturer) do with those missing 15 figures?
Q1b. Do you just throw those cut off figures away?

Q2. Why don't you package those missing Prussian figures into another set/box? For example, for every four boxes of STR180 you manufacture, you would have 3x4x4= 48 Prussian command figures you could repackage and sell separately at the regular price.

The same philosophy could be used for other sets (including ACW) having "missing" or removed command figures...

Re: Would you pay a little more ?

Hi Steve.

most of the posters on this topic were in favour of this idea or suggested that they extra figures be sold as a seperate command pack.

If you take a moment to read Baratheons post it asked sensible well thought out questions of Strelets who we can hope will post a response.

On the subject of respect to others, calling the company that provides this space for us to discuss our hobby and who produces a wide range of figures which we have the pleasure of buying or not cynical or scammers is very poor in my opinion, and as we say in Scotland manners and good grace cost nothing.

On a final note lets all enjoy our collecting and buy as many or as few figures that makes us happy.

Have a nice day wherever you are and lets support our very niche hobby

