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Re: BEF 1939 -41

Count me in I would love 1940 British.

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Me too! By all means!!!

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Considering these could be used for Battle of France, Norway (along with French troops were going to be used in Finland against the Soviets), home guard/homefront (Sealion?).

A lot of potential there, greatcoated, highland division, home guard (sticky bombs etc) - the world is your oyster!

Probably would only require a max of two sets so that more FFL (for use on both axis , allied sides including and at least one Syrian battle where they were on both sides), ACW and Napoleonic would not be inconvenienced!

Re: BEF 1939 -41

i know you have a lot in the pipeline but i think this would be a good set for you to think about when you think about new sets so important but never been done loads of late 43/45 but no 39/42 airfix to small and skinny it might just be worth thinking about thank you for all your great work so far cheers

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Count me in as well.

Re: BEF 1939 -41

I agree that BEF are a huge gap when one remember Dunkirk & the Norwegian campaign. Other WW2 gaps:Norwegian, Dutch, Albanian, Greek, Begian armies. We live in hope.

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Norway - would need greatcoats, balaclavas etc...

Re: BEF 1939 -41

there are numerous more missing parts of WW2 and WW1. Infantry, command, artillery, flak, mortars, heavy weapons ....

Re: BEF 1939 -41

BEF and others would be great, especially as I've just acquired some Bren and scout carriers from Butlers Printed Models, I had to use old Airfix figures to make the crews

A couple of pictures

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Will, I cannot post comments on your blog so I will do here.

Many thanks for sharing all that interesting information over the years!

The carriers look good but should BEF 1940 vehicles really have khaki cammo spots? See Mike Starmer et al. e. g. here:

I have collected a nice bunch of BEF kits but completed none yet since the paint shades are not readily available but we have to mix them at home.

Re: BEF 1939 -41

My BEF collection

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Will, I cannot post comments on your blog so I will do here.

Many thanks for sharing all that interesting information over the years!

The carriers look good but should BEF 1940 vehicles really have khaki cammo spots? See Mike Starmer et al. e. g. here:

I have collected a nice bunch of BEF kits but completed none yet since the paint shades are not readily available but we have to mix them at home.
Pa, the actual colour is supposed to match Starmer, but the MIG Jimenez Armo Khaki Green G3 that is sold as a match is far to close to khaki so it was mixed with olive green to make it more green, but it doesn't show up well in these pictures. The pattern should be more stripey, but I used blotches to distract the eye from the moulding lines on the vehicles.

Re: BEF 1939 -41

Fire at Will
BEF and others would be great, especially as I've just acquired some Bren and scout carriers from Butlers Printed Models, I had to use old Airfix figures to make the crews

A couple of pictures

I do like your Scout and Bren gun carriers.I find these very attractive vehicles having seen them a while ago. I have not come across this manufacture before . Certainly food for thought a I am considering modelling them in 15mm.

Lots of universal carriers in 1/72 but these carriers are not readily available. Currently, converting some PSC universals into scout and Bren gun carriers as after buying the box I realised that universals were post Battle of France.