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Re: Wish List for 2019

There are so many sets I would like but you would end up with an endless list of often very obscure sets like BEF 1940, Waffen SS etc

Part of the fun is waiting for the unexpected or unique to appear. Strelet do have a habit of pulling unexpected rabbits out of the hat (NOT the company!)- so stick to what you are doing!

However, there have been so many different clues each Friday so it would be useful to have a list of what to expect in 2019.

Re: Wish List for 2019

The Civil War sets got me sooooo reved up again in my hobby. Please please please more johnny rebs and billy yanks!!!!!

Re: Wish List for 2019

Strelets have certainly given us some great sets this year and by the looks of it there is more good stuff coming in 2019.
For 2019 I hope for a continuation of the WW1 range with more Artillery for Austria , Russia ,France Germany and Serbia.
More WW1 Serb Infantry sets and some Bulgarians& Romanians would be nice too.
Early WW1 Cavalry -France & Austria
More Russian Civil War sets.
Spanish sets for Rif War
WW2 Chinese, Greeks, Norwegians and Dutch
The long awaited WW2 Japanese in winter gear
Byzantines -many sets.
More French Colonial sets covering Mexico and Indochina.

A new tooling of Boer War British Infantry and Crimean war Russian Infantry

Even if we only get a few of these sets in 2019 I will be very happy

Re: Wish List for 2019

SYW Russians.

Infantry (Line & Grenadier), cavalry & artillery. Some generals would be nice too.

Re: Wish List for 2019

First of all; many thanks for Strelets for nice sets in right plastic colour.
as a X-mas wish I can add:
Pirates, Black Pearl team, East India company staff
Announced WW1 heavy guns,Austrian, French and may be Russian 12inch howitzer?
Von Lettov and opponents; Belgian, Portugese, East Africa compaign
RSW more sets
Chako War, Paraguay and Bolivia sets
WW2, Japanese coastal gun, Soviet coastal gun,Soviet B-4 gun
Modern Armies, Arabs; Saddam, Egypt, Sirya, African Wars, Argentinians for Falkland War

Best regards and wishes

Re: Wish List for 2019

Byzantines please!

Re: Wish List for 2019

SAS and LRDG North Africa 1941-43 , Africa Korps heavy weapons, a set of British infantry 1899-1902 from the current sculptors.

Re: Wish List for 2019

Cavalry and artillery for the Jacobite rebellion. You did the highlanders sooo well!

Some personalities would be good too (another one of your specialities).

Napoleonic R.N. boats and oarsmen.

I said in a previous post that I can't be bothered with WWII but SAS and LRDG might just tempt me.

Re: Wish List for 2019

Hundred days British/Hanoverian/KGL Hussars, Netherlands Hussars and Netherlands Carabineers.

If Santa brings me these I will not have to whinge or whine on this forum ever again

Re: Wish List for 2019

Definitely, definitely Byzantines, it is a massive hole in the market that would require extensive sets for late antiquity and medieval. I would also like to see British for 1940 which I don't think is obscure at all. Something that is a bit more niche would be 1940 Dutch, I've seen great conversions but beyond my skills and the Dutch have a unique appearance. SCW would be good. I'd also like to see generic armed civilians good for 1918-1945 that could be used as resistance or for a lot of the revolutionary conflicts of the interwar period such as the Spartacist revolt or VBCW. Very niche and unlikely to ever be produced but I've always had a hankering to do the Anglo-Irish War, men of the hills in raincoats and bandoliers and the dirty Tans would be great but I expect I'm a bit on my own with that one.

Re: Wish List for 2019

Byzantines (at least two sets), British WW2 SAS, WW2 Greek Army, Vietnam war sets (Vietnamese south and north, Vietcong, US green berets, US marines, Aussies etc) , WW2 Chinese army Communists and Nationalists (at least two sets), Japanese army in winter uniform, British 14th army, WW2 British paratroopers, WW2 US infantry in pacific theatre, WW2 Polish cavalry, WW2 Soviet artillery etc etc

Re: Wish List for 2019

And yes, some personalities would be good, I fully agree Graeme !!! Churchill, MacArthur, W. Slim, Stalin, Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Koniev, Himmler, there is plenty of nice ideas...

Re: Wish List for 2019

Anything post WW2 / Modern. This is one of the biggest gaps in the hobby. we have all the jets, planes, helicopters, tanks, etc in 1:72 scale, but very few figures. To start, how about:

French Indochina:
- French Foreign Legion (FFL) Paratroops
- FFL Para Heavy Weapons
- Regular FFL Infantry
- Viet Minh Infantry
- Viet Minh Heavy Weapons
- Viet Minh Sappers
This war had lots of battles involving thousands on each side including Dien Bien Phu.

Korean War (Winter):
- US Marine Corps in Winter Gear (for Chosin Reservoir)
- Chinese Infantry in Winter Gear
- Commonwealth Infantry in Winter Gear (and also summer gear)

Yom Kippur War
- Israelis, Egyptians and Syrians

Iran / Iraq War
- Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iraqi Republican Guard
This was another massive war that went on for years and involved huge battles

Re: Wish List for 2019

Union Navy for the ACW, they often did landing parties.
Berdan Sharpshooters ACW

US Army World War One

US Army Pacific World War Two
Dutch Army 1940
Dutch Army KNIL Pacific

All the Strelets artillery crews as separate figure sets from the four large hard plastic artillery sets.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Wish List for 2019

1. Imperial Roman Generals, Centuria, Command Set - mounted and dismounted

2. Imperial Roman Auxillaries and Legionnaires - wounded, dead, surrendering, enslaved

3. Napoleonic British 95th Rifles - in SAM formats

4a. British East India Company Soldiers (including sepoys), British Raj India circa 1800s - in SAM formats and Command

4b. NW Frontier British Colonial Soldiers, Victorian era - in SAM formats, including artillery

5. NW Frontier Indian Bandits and Thuggees - in attack

6. ACW Union Iron Brigade soldiers - in SAM formats

7. Native American Indian Scouts (ACW/Plains Indian Wars, some dressed in full or partial uniform)- mounted and dismounted

8. US Buffalo Soldiers (10th Cavalry, Plains Indian Wars) - mounted and dismounted

9. US 7th Cavalry (Plains Indian Wars) - in defence (Custers Last Stand), mounted and dismounted all "Airfix" Classic style

10. French Foreign Legion - Command set, Heavy Machine Gun Squads, including artillery (circa 1900-1920 North Africa)

11. WWI French Senegalese soldiers - in attack with machetes

12. WWII Chindits (Japanese invasion of Burma/Malaya/India)- in attack, jungle patrol

13. WWII Malay Regiment (Japanese invasion of Burma/Malaya/India)- in attack, jungle patrol

14. WWII Burmese Army (Japanese invasion of Burma/Malaya/India)- in attack, jungle patrol

15. WWII Indian Infantry (Japanese invasion of Burma/Malaya/India) - in attack, jungle patrol

16. WWII Gurkhas (Japanese invasion of Burma/Malaya/India) - in attack, jungle patrol some armed with kukri curved blades


Re: Wish List for 2019

Well - I can only re-iterate my desire for 19th century European subjects (especially Franco-Prussian War)and WW2 Polish cavalry. I don't have any real gaps in my Napoleonic collection but it would be nice to see some sets for the Revolutionary Wars; 1792 - 1801...

Re: Wish List for 2019

confederate firing line, union iron brigade, confederate calvary skirmishers, Zouaves please!!!

Re: Wish List for 2019

Union and Confederate cavalry.The rebs would deserve two sets though,regulars and irregular units...Kansas bushwhacker types.

Apart from that I’m perfectly pleased to be surprised and delighted by wherever Strelets gaze lands next.

Thanks to all at Strelets for the hours of fun .Have a happy and safe Christmas.

Re: Wish List for 2019

I'd really like some Vietnam War and Korean War sets if you decide to move into post-'45 territory.

Otherwise the already mentioned SAS and LRDG, possibly ~5 sets for Crete (British/Australian infantry and heavy weapons, Fallschirmjager and heavy weapons, Greek regulars, and maybe Greek partizans and Gebirsjager), a set of DAK with heavy weapons, US marines and heavy weapons, Chinese infantry and heavy weapons (to go with the winter Japs), maybe Japanese paratrooper heavy weapons (tho this could be done with some headswaps and regular infantrymen if I'm correct), WW1 German infantry (Late War, NOT stormtroopers, but footsloggers with rifles and stuff), Hungarians in summer clothing (because the Hussars were awesome), Late War Brits (pretty please), German Revolution (Freikorps and stuff), Winter War Finnish and Russian heavy weapons, possibly a second set of Finns with more riflemen...

And above all - a reissue of your Crusade and Scottish War of Independence sets! Possibly in a big box format with some extra poses.

Re: Wish List for 2019

Oh yes.

Georgius' Vandals & Longobards,

Buddys Pirates & Black Pearl team + East India company staff (would take me away from ancients),

Baratheons Legionaries in bad situation – but not just imperial?
Indian Bandits and Thugees. LOTS of native americans...

Well, also one little Set of Avars, so they're not just Conversion-Guys. And my Grenadiers using Grenades come in mind again.

Re: Wish List for 2019

I would enjoy seeing WWII FFL heavy weapons (Anti-tank and mortars) and French Colonial troops for Vietnam (Moroccans, Algerians, Senegalese etc). I must admit that breaking sets up into infantry and infantry support is brilliant.
Warmest regards from a snowy Old North State,
Ole Ben

Re: Wish List for 2019

Strelets have some exciting sets in the pipeline but not these (so far):

1813/15 Prussian horse artillery

Austro-Prussian War 1866

Franco-Prussian War 1870/71

WW1 Serbian artillery, Serbian infantry in summer uniform, early war French and Austro-Hungarian cavalry

SCW / Rif War Spanish regular infantry

WW2 BEF 1940, Greek, Dutch, Chinese Nationalists, 14th Army

...and still more artillery!

Re: Wish List for 2019

For any manufacturer reading; 13th century medieval East Asia - China, Japan, Korea etc.

As that doesn't seem to be Strelets thing then any further Russian Civil War (plus WW1 Eastern Front that overlaps), related stuff that others have mentioned for the civil/border wars of the 1918-39 interwar period and lastly more War of 1812 sets.

Re: Wish List for 2019

First choices would be Napoleonic Russian Infantry in 1808-1812 Shako.

2nd choice Napoleonic Austrian Infantry in German & Hungarian style uniforms with Shakos

I would like to see what other skills our favourite new Napoleonic sculptor has, well we know he can sculpt Infantry but can he sculpt Horses?

If yes how about Napoleonic Prussian Uhlans they can also be used as Landwehr and Dragoons.

Re: Wish List for 2019

New Zealand land wars

Gallipoli ANZAC

Dragons Portes (WW2)

BEF (ww2)

Royal Marines (WW2)

Argentinians (1980s)

Iraqi (1990s)