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Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

In the 2018 Plastic Soldiers World Cup, sure Strelets is the winner, Airfix is far far away. (Italeri is very low in the ranking).

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

2018 Plastic Soldier World Cup

Post WW2
Soviet/Russians vs British 1-1 (not too many sets for sov-rus, but much good work... still to do)

Soviets vs British 1-1 (The pitch for both)

Russians vs British 0-1 (British Tanks are super! If only there was just a Czar Tank set...)

19th century
Russians vs British 0-1 (Queen Victoria Rules over the Czar! Russo-Turkish War good but not enough. What about Russo-Japanese War)

Napoleonic Wars
Russians vs British 1-1 (after WW2, the most represented era for both)

18th century
Russians vs British 0-1 (AWI vs Great Northern War? sorry, Native Americans win)

17th century
Russians vs English 0-1 (Just ECW, Russians are not existent)

16th century
Russians vs English 1-0 (Russian Knights & Strelets rules!)

14-15th centuries
Russians vs English 0-1 (100YW rules)

12-13th centuries
Russians vs English 1-1 (Age of Crusades, both win)

11th century
Russians vs English 0-1 (There's just Hastings)

10th century
Russians vs English 0-1 (Viking Raids are better than... nothing)

Before Middle Age
Slaves vs Britanni 0-1 (well, the winner are... Britanni)

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Since when the Vikings are English!!!?
CPN... from France.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Hi CPN, and my apologies to johnny for the hijacking,
English were those who were beaten hard by the Vikings in the Dark Ages (no connection with the England / Sweden match).

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

In the world cup for plastic soldiers Strelets win in all categories for style ,substance speed, production, final product & pleasing their audience with Exciting new products & keeping them glued to future excitement with weekly news & pictures Who would be runner up?.
A few years ago the answer would be easy but this other producer has gone backwards releasing poor set after poor set & not restocking sets for 3 or 4 years & updating their website only two or three times a year, ignoring customers requests for release dates & selling crowd funded sets to the public before the crowd funders
Strelets win the plastic soldiers world cup by a country mile& long may it continue.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Steve H
In the world cup for plastic soldiers Strelets win in all categories for style ,substance speed, production, final product & pleasing their audience with Exciting new products & keeping them glued to future excitement with weekly news & pictures Who would be runner up?.
A few years ago the answer would be easy but this other producer has gone backwards releasing poor set after poor set & not restocking sets for 3 or 4 years & updating their website only two or three times a year, ignoring customers requests for release dates & selling crowd funded sets to the public before the crowd funders
Strelets win the plastic soldiers world cup by a country mile& long may it continue.
Yes and Strelets deserve to be number one, But it is a bit sad and not really good for the hobbies future they are winning 10 to 0

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets


I'm guessing you're American so I don't expect you to know but that "Football is a matter of life and death" quote should be attributed to the worlds greatest Scotsman.

I think Russia have been great in this tournament they really put in a big effort for the home fans and they've played well and played fairly throughout. I really liked Djuba, the game could do with a few more like him. That Russia/ Croatia game was great. Good show from both teams and 120 minutes long but I don't recall a single instance where players argued with the referees decision. Also the Russian hosts should be praised for a great World Cup so far but I,m not sure how relevent this is I don't know how "Russian" Strelets is since the changes to the old USSR.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Great, even the Strelets forum is infested with football.

I'm considering taking out the plug while the football championship is on, because I'm getting fed up with this. It's a toy soldiers forum for Christ's sake.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

OK Zirrain my last posting on football and you should be painting you Finns but remember Football (soccer) is a matter of life and death, except more important. Sorry Graeme. Bill Shankly one of Scotlands greats for sure but sorry Alex Ferguson was greater.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out

I would prefer it if we could keep the childishness of Football out of this hobby

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out

I would prefer it if we could keep the childishness of Football out of this hobby

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out....... usually

Well as a footy mad Englishman I have to say enjoy the moment, the country is a very happy place right now after twenty years of our national team embarrassing us all, in a week it will be all over and we can all once again focus on our little plastic friends, but until then we on our little island will dream and hope that "football is coming home" .

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out....... usually

I'm quite happy for people to enjoy their sport, any sport, indeed I would encourage that. However, I would like to keep the childishness which is ever present in football out of this forum before it appears. I can't stand the "we beat you" attitude from so many fans. There were only eleven on the pitch at any time, "we" does not come in to it. And if I have to see one more XXXXXL replica shirt stretched over a gross beer gut......

I hope the team that PLAYS best, wins, not the team that CHEATS most effectively, or the team with the most convincing play acting. As much as I would like to see an England team win, I don't think I can take any more Baddiel and Skinner

Back to painting

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out....... usually

have you thought about a change of pseudonym say Victor Meldrew for instance :joy:

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out....... usually

Alan Buckingham
have you thought about a change of pseudonym say Victor Meldrew for instance :joy:
You see there we go, name calling! Football in football forums. Figures in figures forums

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets - keep football out....... usually

Alan Buckingham
have you thought about a change of pseudonym say Victor Meldrew for instance :joy:
I DON'T BELIEVE IT football is childish lets do some thing only adults do I know lets get our plastic toy soldiers & play with them.:innocent:

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Am I right in saying it looks like there is a possibility for modern day France vs England Battle of Waterloo Final?

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Every Englishman thinks so, fingers crossed.

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

Agreed - I, too hope so and my fingers are crossed tighter than a knot, as are my legs. We are almost there. As this draws down closer to the "Final" I can't help but get just as excited along with the rest of you guys!

Re: Stay happy Mr Strelets

As a Scot it would be nice to hear about the 2018 world cup winners. a very pleasant change from that dreaded win in the last century that the media drones on about constantly. so good luck England, Southgate is a decent guy with a bit of class.

Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Great game & well deserved win.

Bad luck, England. Maybe next time.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

As an England fan I have to say justice was done because Croatia played good attacking football for 124 minutes but I felt England scored in the first five minutes and thought they'd won the game. They did play well after Croatia equalised but for the 65 minutes after the first goal there was just not enough control of the ball.

I've been very impressed by this England team because they actually played football for a change but Croatia looked like the team who really wanted to play and wanted to win here today. Congratulations to them and good luck in the final.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

I have to agree, but heart broken, as is every one I watched the game with. Gutted etc does not begin to get near what we are feeling right now,

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Croatia wasn't playing a game with England, they went war with them. Hitting, elbowing, pushing, shoving, kicking, tripping and more all without disregard for penalties or safety. Just never ended. Congratulations to England for a good run! I'll be cheering for France in the final.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Alan Buckingham
I have to agree, but heart broken, as is every one I watched the game with. Gutted etc does not begin to get near what we are feeling right now,
"I think the phrase rhymes with Clucking Bell!" (Blackadder quote/reference)

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia! And good sportsmanship

Good to see the English amongst us take their defeat well. You do have my sympathy.
There's nothing worse, after a game, than slamming the winning side or the ref.

I think good sportsmanship tells a lot about a person.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Good to see the English amongst us take their defeat well. You do have my sympathy.
There's nothing worse, after a game, than slamming the winning side or the ref.

I think good sportsmanship tells a lot about a person.

What a load you loser, paintdog. Please join this non-English in your Pubs to not watch England in the Finals. Yes, listen to Paintdag's loser advice. Thank heavans he's not pure English, and embarrassingly some other's fool.

The 4 year soccer excitement now always comes down to which country puts together the best group of Soccer / Football mercinaries to bring home the trophy for their adopted and oh, well paid country sponsors.

Soccer / Football is war. Croatia proved this today. What I witnessed on England's defeat was - Ruthless! Everybody loves a winner, especially Paintdog whom I call a turncoat. How many on their team were pure blood croations? Nobody cares about the losers except for me and a few others here. Good English Team. But holy cow, can't wait to see the Sunday Climax of the French Foreign Legion against the Croatian Foreign Legion.

I put my money and now relocated excitement with the Sunday French FFL Football Team to triumph over the Croatian Mercinaries.

Since England failed, I now want to see a "War!" Viva la France Sunday

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Please avoid the name calling in your rant.

What is "pure English"? "Pure blood Croatians"? These phrases have very nasty connotations. Are you a believer in so-called Racial Purity???? There was a German fellow who believed in that twaddle.

"Turncoat"? That would suggest I'm English. Obviously I am not.

I've managed junior football teams for many years. Amongst teaching the boys skills & tactics, I teach them to win and lose like gentlemen.

I hope there are no children reading your nonsense. What a bad example you would be. "War"? It's sport.And it's people like you who ruin it.

BTW please try to write in grammatical English and possibly use spell check.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

Plucky Paintjob, Your soccer coaching heroics remind me of a story. While paying my own way through private HS, JrC, and University, I was a swim teacher, for 6 month old babies to Sr Citizens who needed therapy.

During all those years I was constantly reminded by parents that the skills I taught their kids saved their lives, for example, when a toddler wandered over and fell into their pool, I taught them to make a life-saving u-turn and kick and pull because their life depended on it until they could grab onto the pool's side and then scream for their life for their parents.

I only taught survival skills, tactics of course, and independent thinking. If I ever let them think losing was an option, someone would die. My kids were fighters and winners and all went on to play sports and live to be responsible adults. None of my kids ever had to apologize for thinking losing was an option.

I only know the thrill of my kids running up and hugging my legs and telling me how proud their parents were of them showing off their life skills and constant victories. Anyway, keep up the honorable efforts. Please feel free to point out any gramatical errors I've made. Because I really don't care.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

You are a sad and quite strange person, Hank.

I no longer want to speak with you.

Re: Well done, plucky little Croatia!

You are a sad and quite strange person, Hank.

I no longer want to speak with you.

It's like the song says … "There ain't no good guy; there ain't no bad guy. There's only you and me and we just disagree."

Did I get my grammar right? Now pull in your pouty bottom lip and stand up straight like a Toy Soldier.

With love and kisses - And I'm not Hank.

Moderator action please

A ball rolls over a chalked line and all hell breaks loose. I fail to understand why this was necessary, and what it has to do with "any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures" for what this forum is for.

Therefore, can I please ask the mod to take action here. Thank you.

Re: Moderator action please

Hi Pa,

It's not just that a ball rolls across a line, it's the Navy Seal Training that gets a group of guys to coordinate that goal. You did read about the British Divers who located the lost group of Thai Soccer kids and coach who were lost in caves for 2 weeks. Those soldiers got to use their skills to help civilians save themselves in non-war conflicts.

I personally think these past few weeks have been inspirational. And a nice diversion from the headache wrenching decision of what color to paint a coat sleeve button an a 1" figurine. Anyway, now we have both had our say.

Re: Moderator action please

A ball rolls over a chalked line and all hell breaks loose. I fail to understand why this was necessary, and what it has to do with "any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures" for what this forum is for.

Therefore, can I please ask the mod to take action here. Thank you.
Could I suggest the Moderator at least remove the racist post?

Such things give a forum a bad name.

Re: Moderator action please

The reality is the foreign born players are invited to join the national teams with the promise of being granted citizenship in that team's country. In many cases, they are upgrading their life's overall situation, possibly coming from poverty. Obviously if they perform well and their team keeps advancing, then they potentially could earn millions and millions in currency, plus living the lifestyle of a worshipped near god by their new fans. If they manage their new assets well, they could be set for an entire life of luxury in their adopted new county. I grew up playing sports and appreciate the fun and relationships. I also appreciate that many who join the FFL, if desired, after two 5-year enlistments can apply for French Citizenship and all benefits that goes with it. A lot of them are looking for a new, clean start from their old life. The process for an athlete should normally be streamlined to some time quicker than 10 years. Skills can diminish. Cups come and go. So pull your lip in Don. All these players I'm referring to will give anything to be in this situation and have a chance to succeed. Think about it - How many other sports offer the opportunity for a whole start in life which includes a new citizenship. Those guys are all laughing all the way to the bank, commercial contracts, and unlimited admiration regardless of what we say. All the athletes I grew up with played with toy soldiers while growing up, too.

Re: Moderator action please


You should be ashamed of your racist rant.

Re: Moderator action please


You should be ashamed of your racist rant.
There was nothing racist about that.

Re: Moderator action please


You should be ashamed of your racist rant.
I have no reason to scramble, Paintdog. Soccer or Football is I think the #1 International / National sports competition which every 4 years or so brings us all together to cheer for our favorites. Those are called National Teams. You, Paintdog are the only one bringing up race. So what does that make you, besides ignorant.

So here we are left only with countries to cheer for. But if they ever allowed a FFL Team, I'd put my money on them to win.

Note: A little late for this Cup's Action, but here's a link for a 1/72 set of players, if I may Strelets:

Re: Moderator action please

You referred to "pure blood" (eugenics) & called me a "not pure English turncoat"(racism).
Try as you might, we are no longer talking about sport.

If you think you can brush this appalling language aside, you're wrong.

Be unsportsmanlike. Advocate violence on the sporting field. I don't care. But I will point out racism.

You should be ashamed.

Re: Moderator action please

You referred to "pure blood" (eugenics) & called me a "not pure English turncoat"(racism).
Try as you might, we are no longer talking about sport.

If you think you can brush this appalling language aside, you're wrong.

Be unsportsmanlike. Advocate violence on the sporting field. I don't care. But I will point out racism.

You should be ashamed.
"English" is not a race.


Mention of Hank above
Is he OK?
They were happy but feisty days.

If you read this. Hope you are well in the part of the USA where the sun always shines.

English is a language
The English are people who crave for passports of a certain hue. (notice the definite article written by a useless article)
English can be an adjective eg English mustard

The rest is so complicated that most English people don't know so they would be terrible at those war time pass word identifiers.

"Who won the FA Cup Final in 1937?"
"Eff knows and eff cares so eff off"
"Pass friend"

Re: Hank

David O'Brien
Mention of Hank above
Is he OK?
They were happy but feisty days.

If you read this. Hope you are well in the part of the USA where the sun always shines.

English is a language
The English are people who crave for passports of a certain hue. (notice the definite article written by a useless article)
English can be an adjective eg English mustard

The rest is so complicated that most English people don't know so they would be terrible at those war time pass word identifiers.

"Who won the FA Cup Final in 1937?"
"Eff knows and eff cares so eff off"
"Pass friend"
I will send him an e-mail this weekend and include this link, David. I know he will be glad to hear you still care.

He will get a kick out of knowing his legacy lives on through me. Like the song "Hotel California." "You can check-out, but you can never leave!"

P.S. Thank you for your "English" clarification. I bow before you. You are a true Sensei!

Have a great weekend. GC

Re: Hank

Im Not dead yet,was very close in February :) but too bad for you and the "janitor" I was revived as I upset "the gatekeeper" . lol. I get off my posterior and start bucket list ride as my time was almost up. May 7th I depart with my Indian motorbike California to New Hampshire across USA and back(May 22) then south to NCarolina I-40 all way to LosAngeles . On way out east I visited Fort Apache Fort Laramie and Fort ABraham Lincoln. Visited Indian factorySpirit Lake Iowa and wonderful Harley Davidson museum Milwaukie (many military motorbikes in collection( 3 x iron Butt days(1000+ miles in a day storms behind me were nasty). I rode into Canada to Port Burwell saw an "old friend" who looked rutier than me. I visited GarrisonClay in Nevada 3 year ago and kept in touch, Looks like yosu are back David OBrien, you were alwyas a good guy.Uwe keeps in touch birthdays. He was great guy too.So motorcycles my hobby now. I lost total interest with Strelets when they produced those roman civilian figures. So 6 years later and what gas changed ?