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Re: M093 German Army in Stalingrad - painted

Hi Garrison,
There was an online company called Sgt. Major miniatures that did a General George Patton, General McArthur and Kurt Meyer( why,I don't know?) and some lovely pin-up girls. Sadly this company is no longer in business and is up for sale. This is what I'm talking about:

Paul K.

Re: M093 German Army in Stalingrad - painted

Pretty good paint job and very useful comparison. Thanks for sharing, Tom. :+1:

Yes, the portrayed Strelets set is particularly authentic, extremely useful and very well executed.
It combines effectively with other early/mid war winter figures, which are few & mainly made by Caesar (particularly H069 “Greatcoats“, HB09 “Stalingrad“ & H079 “tank riders“) but also with late war ones (H005 “Winter“, H083 “Smocks“ and the more diversely arranged Revell & Italeri sets).

As for a dedicated german command set, Toxso previewed some superb figures in that respect once.
Unfortunately, the company was closed down before it could release this and other promising subjects.
However, there are several indications implying that Riich, another chinese manufacturer, has acquired the former Toxso range.
Time will tell if the excellently looking figures have made it into Riichs stock.
The former Toxso figures demonstrated great resemblance to Caesar sculpts btw. :smiley:

I hope it is still permitted to express interest in essential WWII subjects without triggering entirely inappropriate & absurd debates again and again? :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: M093 German Army in Stalingrad - painted

Dear PeterTheGreat,

So far I have found (with great difficulty) Strelets "Stalingrad" and "Police" sets (2 boxes each). But had to go to the U.K. to find the Stalingrad set. However I really like Strelets 4-Sprew boxes so that gives me 2x4=8 Officers each style.

As mentioned in this thread, Odemars did make some great Famous Offices sets, but the only ones I can find on eBay are $20 for 1 sprew.

Caesar's WWII German line, just like Strelets coverage of the Crimean War and now ACW et als are all awesome. Caesar has given us the complete range, and Strelets sets perfectly complement them in size, color unique poses and usefulness. I recall comments on how many sets Caesar needed to put out? Well, just this many! I've got all and have discovered they did a very complete range covering early, mid and late war uniforms and accoutrements. Boots, belts, uniforms, weapons; they all are accurate and appropriate. I'm an early war fan with the tall boots. Ever since the T.V. show "Combat" in the 1960's I've wanted to have a 1/72 WWII collection. And now I do thank you Strelets and Caesar.

Closing comments:

Has anyone noticed that Caesar's sculpts are in many sets copies of the Tamiya larger sets? Just check out Tamiya's box art on Google Images. All the poses, whether copies or original, are all tastefully posed. Still I hope they make many more new sets.

Strelets, I'd love to see you make a set of German Officers, especially in Peaked Cap, in battlefield fighting action poses. Existing sets simply have too many looking through binoculars and pointing to the right and standing around poses. We also need more mid-level Sgt. poses for the battlefields, too!

Thank you PTG - GC "Over-and-out"