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Re: "Happy Friday"

I am so excited about this set....more more more

Re: "Happy Friday"

Oh, P.S. - And please make your 8th Army in the same Light Tan Color as your Indian Infantry (in shorts) and your Union of South Africa for fighting in North Africa.

My very first Airfix 50 Cent boxes were the British 8th Army and German Afrika Korps plus a few Rocco Tanks and Staff Cars. Although long gone, and their details were very primitive, I still like them. They gave me many hours of fun. I really enjoyed taking them out when "Rat Patrol" was on T.V. In fact just last week on YouTube I started the whole "Combat" Series over again, and yes, for free (Beginning 1962 for 5 Seasons).

Thanks for the memories! :-)

Re: "Happy Friday"

Looks like a Barr and Stroud (Glasgow) rangefinder- if not it is its twin sister.
Where the bands are there should be fold down handles and there should be a carrying steadying webbing strap from end to end.
Call me a liar but it uses a single eyepiece for measuring the coincident angle etc and is known therefore as a coincidence rangefinder (not stereoscopic). The two eyepieces have different functions the left (as viewer) has the scale and the distance and is lit by a window (looks like another lens) in front of it. Therefore the calibrating eyepiece and adjustor (working head) is on the right. Remember physics and the angle of incidence, geometric optics? triangles?
Manual here:

basically State Library of Victoria, Aust

Just imagine trying to digest that lot and small wonder most soldiers became poor bloody infantry (pbi). Old sea cap'ns could estimate range they would say "about a league or two or thereabouts" and were spot on

Re: "Happy Friday"

David, as an old "red-leg" cannon cocker we tend to be a very obsessive-compulsive bunch. Considering indirect fire field artillery calls for us to lob heavy loads of high explosive projectiles over the heads of friendly folks and hit targets we can't see, one can understand why we tend to get anal; especially when it's "danger close." A single mil mistake in quadrant or deflection comes out as meters downrange.

Funny thing is - as complex as it sounds at first - once you get it down it becomes second nature. It wasn't too long ago an officer I served with and I were kicking around some arty stuff - I observed the 30th anniversary of my leaving the service and after a few minutes it all came back. Now, trying to explain it to someone else...

Re: "Happy Friday"

This basic design of range finder goes back well before WW1, HMG platoons are sometimes pictured with them heres the manual "Handbook Marindin range finder", includes a whole bunch of photos showing its use lying, sitting, kneeling, standing and a whole bunch of others including holding the device vertical.

Heres all the Range Finder manuals currently online at the "Library of Victoria" covers Victorian to WW2 for Britain and some US...

Re: "Happy Friday"

Join to wish about tan plastic for 8th Army. Indian heavy wep. is awersome - must have

Re: "Happy Friday" (THANK YOU STRELETS!)

Join to wish about tan plastic for 8th Army. Indian heavy wep. is awersome - must have

Thank you, Strelets for posting the pictures of the WWII Indians. That Light Tan is a great color for Desert Warfare. Can't wait to buy both the Infantry and Heavy Artillery, then next year it looks like 8th Army. In my 6 decades, you help me go full circle with my hobby. And oh, what a wonderful journey it's been!

Re: "Happy Friday"


Re: "Happy Friday"

So good!!!

Re: "Happy Friday"

Excellent sculpting!

Re: "Happy Friday"

Is it a British soldier looking with disbelief at the Waterloo 1815 Hitler Brownshirts set? The mind boggles about who would want such a set!

Hopefully it will be Middle East/Far East heavy weapons set.