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Re: Curly Murphy's snake adventure

I'm a real wimp as far as snakes go..and there is NO harmless snake!! Funnily I don't mind seing them out in he desert nearly as much as in pictures or in captivity.

I had a great visual of his victory run and your paint peeling


Re: Re: Curly Murphy's snake adventure

This all sounds like good fun to us over here!
Sounds like it would have been a great pic!
Debbie and the lads who say a snake may be better than boring squirrels...........

Re: Curly Murphy's snake adventure

As the mother of a mighty hunter who has presented birds, lizards and SHOWN me where the snake was---I feel you pain! I understand the paint peeling and can feel the sore throat from that! I say walk slowly with eyes peeled and a large stick in your hand!

We'll see your snake and raise you a wabbit.

Wow! We have GOT to get Teller and Curly Murphy together. Teller has a passion for baby bunnies - not to eat or maim mind you, but I think he's trying to convince me that he should get one as a pet.

Over the course of the summer two things happened: my neighbor's cat (the master hunter) died and the rabbit population in the neighborhood increased by a factor of 10. The little critters (Ok, on a varmit scale they're about a 8 - much prefered over skunks, porcupines, raccoons or bears) decided to (or it felt like it) make their nests in my yard. Teller went through several weeks of bringing me baby bunnies (pretty close to leaving the nest or newly emerged). He'd catch them (never did see him actually catch one) and then bring them in the house and release them in the den. They were the perfect size to fit entirely in his mouth (lips closed) so unless I checked his mouth before he came in all bets were off...So he'd walk in (swaggering) and drop the bunny just inside the door. These bunnies must have held still while in his mouth would bolt every which way for freedom once he had brought them into the house.

Then there was the live pigeon that he released in kitchen....

(sigh) No, are not responsible enough for a pet yet...Murphy had to wait until he was two before he got his pet cat...


Re: Curly Murphy's snake adventure

Cute story!! Thanks for sharing it. It really did make me giggle.

Re: Curly Murphy's snake adventure

Penny would love to go snake-hunting with Murphy!!! One of her favorite things in the world is finding SNAKES!!!! Luckily we only have grass snakes and she just loves finding them (or "snakes with legs" aka lizards). I can say "where's the snake" & she'll check every spot she's ever seen one. She never picks them up or hurts them, she just follows them with her nose - the faster they slither, the happier she is. She can move a fairly large rock to find a snake underneath. Last summer, she had found a snake & Sera ran by, grabbing it so quickly that Penny had no idea where it went until she saw it dangling out of Sera's mouth. It survived the ordeal with just some slobber on it.