Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Spikey question about Boggle game

Last night hubby was waiting for me to finish up my schoolwork, so he took the old Boggle game to bed. He would shake up the hard plastic container, which has a lot of letter cubes in it, and then try to make words. When I got there. Spikey crawled on top of me, and Bruce said he was shaking like a leaf.

Is there anything that any of you can think of that sounds like a hollow plastic cube with solid plastic cubes in it that would scare a big boy like Spikey?

I made hubby put the offending toy away, after we showed Spikey that it would not touch or hurt him. Eventually he settled in to sleep.



Re: Spikey question about Boggle game

I don't have an idea about what it could sound like to Spikey. However, Molly Maguire was terrified of the darn thing. I used it as an excuse to get rid of a game I didn't like! She was a mess every time the thing came out!

Re: Spikey question about Boggle game

Not a clue what Spikey's referencing, poor guy. Finn, who has seen many a regular-sized school bus, saw a gigantic school bus yesterday on our return from the park. Bark, cry, back up and shake was his response. It took me throwing treats UNDER the bus to make him understand that the monster wouldn't take him down Oh, the bus was parked in case anyone thinks I threw treats under a moving vehicle!

Re: Spikey question about Boggle game

Curly Murphy is terrified of the plastic bag monster. He will do anything to get away from the sound of a plastic bag rattling or - even worse - the sound it makes when you "snap" it to open it up. I thought it was the movement at first but he was in another room, heard the sound and tried to crawl under the dresser. Do dog's have super sensitive hearing?


Re: Spikey question about Boggle game

Is Spikey afraid of the sound of firecrackers too? We have to be real careful around Cookie. Firecrackers (or anything that "pops") will send her into an almost panic attack.

Now Twinkie is only scared of basketballs. The kids can't even have a basketball sitting on the floor. She won't even enter a room if there is a basketball in there. Soccer balls are ok though.