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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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good thoughts please

I just petted Shanny's head and he has several (double digits) little red bumps and some of them look a little bloody.

Brian thinks maybe it is war wounds from wrestling with Sam but they really weren't there 3 hours ago because I would have noticed.

I called our vet at home and she had me give him a Benadryl - he does seem sort of itchy. I will take him in to see her in the morning.

But of course, now I'm worried. And it was 4 months ago today that Clara died.

Ideas on what it could be or words of comfort?



Re: good thoughts please

Marianne, haven't run into anything like this before with my dogs, hope it's something that's easy to clear up. Sending good thoughts Shanny's way.

Carol, Zoe & Barney

Re: good thoughts please

Hi Marianne,

I had that happen with my Cocker a couple times. Once it was from being "nicked" by the groomer and the other time it was from an allergic reaction to something. It could have been that he broke out from something then played with Sam and agrivated the bumps! Poor boy... and poor Mom. Let us know what the vet thinks tomorrow.

Karen, Belle, Sophie, and Foster Snickers

Re: good thoughts please

Honey got some bumps like that in a straight line down her back. It turned out that she was allergic to the shampoo that the groomer used. The groomer offered to give her another bath free of charge with hypoallergenic shampoo. The bumps went away quickly.

Have you used anything new on Shanny like shampoo or somehting else?

Sounds like an allergic reaction or something like that...

Whatever the problem, I hope that Shanny has a quick recovery!

Trish, Honey and Abby

Re: good thoughts please

Marianne, could he have gotten a spider bite or some other bug? Sometimes, that's the way allergic reactions show up. If that's the problem, Benedryl should take care of it. Try not to worry too much...those bumps may well be gone in the morning.

Re: Re: good thoughts please

Sounds as if the vet thinks it's an allergic reaction, too. Please let us know what she says after she sees Shanny tomorrow. And, try not to worry--easier said than done, I know.


Re: good thoughts please

Just for a slightly different opinion, Spikey got himself into a patch of burdock, and was a total mess. Perhaps it could have been caused by some weeds, most of which have gone to seed now.

We'll be hoping that it's gone by morning.




Well, the only things I can think of are that he had a bath at the vet office on Wed but didn't have these things until yesterday...? We also spent a lot of time in the park yesterday and he crawled thru some bushes - maybe allergic? Lastly, spider bites. They are all over the place since the weather turned crisp.

He slept well but we could definitely tell when the benadryl ran out this morning because he started scratching his head. He ate normally, used the yard, took his morning walk, is playing with Sam, just all with a bumpy head.

Brian's taking him to the vet at 11am while I'm teaching. I feel pretty sure its nothing serious but want him fixed!


Re: update


I don't know what it is but I don't think it's anything serious.

Keep us posted.


Re: update

It does sound like insect bites - Murphy had a similar reaction once, but it's always best to have it checked out.

Good luck at the vet's!

Sandra & Faith

back from vet

Well, it appears to be some kind of a bacterial skin infection so we have an antibiotic for that. He also has 2 sebacious cysts that she isn't too worried about and a yeast infection in his ears (which we also have meds for)

Poor little man seems to be tuckered out now. Those bumps came on so suddenly though and he was really itchy. She said we can give him a benadryl too if we need to...

We'll just keep our eye on him and make Sam stop trying to play with him for today!

