Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

Welcome! We hope this forum will turn into a wonderful place to exchange information about our favorite companions - golden retrievers! If at any time you have questions regarding this forum please drop me an email at I will respond as quickly as I can. Enjoy!!! Bill

Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Re: Campbell is 13 today.

What beautiful pictures of a handsome old fella!

Happy Birthday Cam!

Sandra & Faith

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy birthday, Campbell! A stroll and a nap in the sun is just the right activity for old gold

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday Campbell
You are a recruiting poster for golden oldies in these pictures. Enjoy your naps. I'm sure that Mom made something good to eat for you!

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday Campbell
we just want to cover your sweet face with kisses....have a great day cutie.....
daisy and tee

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

What a sweetie! Love the pix. Happy 13th Campbell!

Trish, Honey and Abby

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Thanks for all the good wishes. My birthday supper will be the yummy usual...honest kitchen and ground beef's all I can swallow easily.


Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday, dear Cam.
We hope you enjoy many rays of sunshine to warm you as you take your strolls and lay in the grass.
Sounds like you had a yummy dinner. Ask your mama to give you a big hug from me.

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

What a cute face! Happy birthday, Campbell!

Goldie was 11 on Friday. We went and had her picture taken at a studio, I'll post some when I get them.

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday, Campbell!!! You are looking like life is fine. Your mama is talking such good care of you. Be sure she covers that sweet face with smooches from me.

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday Campbell What a sweety, just want to give him a big hug.

Carol, Zoe & Barney

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Now that's just the most sweet face. I just want to give that boy a big hug!

Happy Birthday Cam ~ 13 is a great number!

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy Birthday, Campbell!!

Sounds like you had a great day!

Frasier 98B4

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy belated birthday Campbell!!!

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Campbell you have the seetest face vver! I tried to post yesterday but failed wo we will try again.

Sounds like you had a great day and heres hope for many more to come.

Bailey & Wendy

Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy belated birthday, Campbell. My Abby thinks you are a very handsome boy and wonders how you feel about older woman. (Abby turned 14 on October 1st but she doesn't like me to talk about her age)

Hope you had a wonderful day!

Re: Re: Campbell is 13 today.

Happy belated birthday, Campbell. Loved the pictures of you enjoying your special day! Margaret, please give his handsome face a kiss for me. And, how is he doing? He looks sooo serene and happy.
