Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Re: Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy Birthday Sophie. Sounds like you are going to have lots of fun.

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy Birthday Sophie! How exciting! What fun for you to have a new girl to play with too.

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy 1st birthday Sophie!

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Hi Sophie!!

You will have to telll me all about your birthday celebration. Mommy says my 1st birfday is on the 6th. I still think everyday is my birfday, so I think she is nutsy.

Hope you have a great big party....and save some treats for me!!!!!

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy first birthday to Sophie (even if you got a bath too to celebrate your special day)!

Carol, Emma Rose, Reggie

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

WOW! It's hard to believe it's already been a year!

Happy Birthday, Sophie!! Hope you have a fun day!!

Jill & DEZ

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy belated birthday Sophie!

We are sorry that we are late, but Mom's computer crashed..she said it was sick or had a cold or something.

Love Honey and Abby

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Wow, it's been one year already??? Happy Birthday, little girl. I'll bet you loved all the treats and attention...tomorrow will be the mother lode of birthday celebration

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy birthday Soph! Sorry we are a little late but it's never too late to say "Happy birthday!"

Vicki & boys

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Now tht is unbelievable! Bealted Happy Birhtday Sophie

And you got your very own Golden palymate for a present! Any signs of a home for Snickers?

Margaret and the crew.

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

A belated Happy Birthday Sophie! It's hard to believe that you're already a year old! It seems like yesterday that Faith was just a wee puppy - I'm sure your Mom feels the same.

Sandra & Faith

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

We hope Sophies day was filled with things that would leave a one year old in wonder.


Abby and Keeper

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Hey Soph
sorry we missed your birthday....we hope you had a GREAT day,,,
big hugs
tee and daisy

Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy Belated Birthday, little one. It sounds like your birthday was fun and stretched out for a few days - the best kind.

Re: Re: Happy Birthday to "The Soph" - 1 Yr. Old Today

Happy belated birthday, little Sophie! Wow! You can't be one already. Sounds like you had a wonderful time--and even better that you celebrated for several days! That's the best kind of birthday.
