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another pet food recall

FYI...another pet food recall, this time involving rice protein. Here's a link to the affected brands:

Our pups get Nutro, which is recalled, so I'll be shopping for something else this evening, probably Science Diet.

Re: another pet food recall

Are these dry or wet foods?

Annie, VA.

Re: Re: another pet food recall

Phoned Nutro but had to leave a message & then got another call from a friend. Anyhow,checked their website @ and once again the recall is on all wet foods products.

Annie, VA.

Re: Re: Re: another pet food recall

Thanks so much for checking on this!! After I posted this we left for a long weekend in Hilton Head, so this is the first I've checked the forum in a few days.

I had assumed they meant all food, both wet and dry, so it's good to know the dry Nutro is OK. My MIL was staying with the kidz while we were away and we had switched them to Science Diet. It's good to know the Nutro is OK to give them.

Re: another pet food recall

All food that is recalled is wet. All Nutro dry food, biscuits and treats are NOT on the recall list.

Not sure if you've seen this site:

This site lists what ingredients are used in various dog foods and how they may or may not affect a dog. For example, if a dog food uses peanut hulls that would be an ingredient that has no nutritional value - it's just filler - but it won't harm the dog. The site does not recommend specific brands. Rather, its purpose is to educate and help you make the best choice for you and your pet by helping you navigate what all the terms are in the ingredient list. If you are thinking of changing brands, I'd suggest you check this site out.

Make sure you stay away from any brand that uses BHA or BHT as a preservative. It is a known carcinogen for humans and dogs.


Re: another pet food recall

I just saw this on a food recall website:

Pet Food Recall List Grows As Natural Balance Rice Protein Contaminated With Melamine
Dog News News - Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Foods has expanded the list of recalled products just a day after announcing an initial recall. This time the blame is placed on rice protein which has tested positive for melamine contamination.
The suspect rice protein was purchased from China, but not from the same supplier that sold ChemNutra wheat gluten which triggered the initial round of massive recalls, reported pet illnesses and deaths.

This recall involves all Natural Balance Venison dog food (dry, wet and canned) as well as Venison and Brown Rice dog treats and Venison and Green Pea dry cat food. Natural Balance says laboratory tests show "the products contain melamine."

Natural Balance added that they have received complaints that a small number of both dogs and cats "developed kidney failure after eating the affected product."

Tragically, the company says that while they don't use wheat gluten, the addition of rice protein to their recipes was a recent change.

The new pet food on the recall list is:

All Natural Balance Venison dog food (dry, wet and canned)
Venison and Brown Rice dog treats
Venison and Green Pea dry cat food

Please visit this thread in our forum for the details about this dog food recall and a list of dog food brands recalled by Menu Foods and others: Pet Food Recall List.

Just an FYI.