Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Mary shares herbeautiful fur kidz!


Mary Fiala sent me a photo of her fur kidz to share with the forum. All of the kidz were delighted to pose, but when asked, Ginger declined to state her age, saying "A lady never tells!". Ok by me!

Ginger (senior), Jamieson (6), Tonka (12), Jasmine (9)

Also, Tonka would like us to know he has an "oweeee"

Thank you Mary!

Re: Mary shares herbeautiful fur kidz!

It's just plain amazing they'll all sit there like that!!

Great shot.

Rick C

More info - sorry if you saw it on Dog and Ball

My original three (not the Irish Setter) are pretty well trained, so if I can get them under control, Ginger (the Irish Setter) usually follows their example. Jasmine is rock solid, so sometimes I will tie Ginger to her if I need to do something quick -like move the horse from one field to another.

Ginger is a new addition. She came to me from Virginia (Save Our Setters) via long-haul truckers. She weighed 29 lbs. when taken into foster care in November and only weighed 40 lbs. when I got her. She's putting on weight slowly, but surely - will probably be about 50 to 55 lbs. I have had her almost five weeks, and she is a sweetie pie. She does get intense when she sees prey, as any good bird dog should, but her personality is a lot like most Goldens - soft and sweet. Easily corrected because she wants to please so badly. She is a bit of a mama's girl, so I may be prejudiced. The rescue group estimated her at 11, but I've said she was 10 on November 18 (the day she was rescued). My vet said that I was giving her a gift of a few years. Upon examination, she has very little mobility in her hips and a pretty arthritic back, but you wouldn't know it to see her move.

Tonka's boo boo is really nothing. Something irritated the side of his foot and he's been licking it too much, so I wrap it to prevent his licking and any further irritation when walking. You'd think he's dying when I wrap it, though. He's a real talker.

Jasmine is my 'perfect' dog. I spent far more time training her and it shows. Everyone wants her. I tell them that they would have a dog just like her if they'd put the time in.

Jamieson is my special boy. He's come so far since I got him out of the pound almost six years ago. He was petrified of people. Took six months for him to take a treat from a human. The first time he retrieved a ball and brought it back to me was such a momentous occasion. I never thought he'd bring anything to a human. He's still somewhat shy and startles easily, but he's pretty normal otherwise.


Re: Mary shares herbeautiful fur kidz!

What great looking dogs you have there. I bet it's not boring around your place with all those furkids.
