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Re: A families voice

Sorry to hear about your plight. Also, I was wondering, that since we're fast approaching the 21st century, if anyone knows what the significance of the year 2007 means to Black people in America? Our right to VOTE will expire in the year 2007. The Voters Rights Act signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, was just that, an ACT. It was never made into law. Then, in 1982, Ronald Reagan amended the Voters Right Act for 25 years; which means, that in the year 2007, we could lose the right to vote. We are the only group of people as a race who require permission under the United States Constitution to vote! In the year 2007, Congress will once again convene to decide whether or not Blacks should retain the right to vote (yes, this is true). In order for this to be passed, 38 states (I'm still trying to find out which ones, but I believe most are southern states and/or in the bible belt proper, which are mostly racists)will have to approve an extension. My opinion: Not only should the extension be approved, but also the ACT must be ratified into law. Our right to vote should no longer be up for discussion, review or evaluation! We need to contact their Senator or Congressional person for their precinct or region to put a screeching halt to this nonsense!! We cannot drop the ball on this one. We've come too far and as a race, been through enough already.