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Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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Product Developer for African Youth of America

Mr. Cornell West, First of all it's an Honor to write to you, I write to you hoping for a chance to meet with you and talk about my project for African American, since 10-28-03 I've been developing Learning Tool games. The foundation of these games are based on Black History, I'm trying to get this project to market, but there are so many road blocks in my path,I just recently moved to The Dallas area from Cleveland Miss.I felt here in Dallas, that I would have a better chance to making this project happen. Mr. West this project is bigger that I could imagin and I need guidens and Help, for this is very new to me, I work for Wal-Mart as a lead person over a floor-team. I work on these games in my spare time, making sure that my facts are correct, it's hard to make connections here, because I'm new here in Dallas, But I know that this is the time for My project to be shared with African American. Mr. Cornell if it's possible that you can in any way fit it in your time-slot, to meet with me, I would be very thankful, and it will not be a waste of your time. Thank you wayne L. Alexander