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20 Things Holding Black Women Back

Lawd Ha'mercy!... I have one word for this article... AMEN!!!

Thank you U'Mar... Peace & Love,


Re: 20 Things Holding Black Women Back

Yes there is some truth to these statements and some only represent a small percentage of Black females. Yet, what is not stated is one important fact that I want to add please.

21. Black Women and Fatherless Children.

The greatest thing that holds back many Black women with dependent children, is raising their children without a father figure in their lives, especially small boys.


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Replying to:

Lawd Ha'mercy!... I have one word for this article... AMEN!!!

Thank you U'Mar... Peace & Love,


Re: Re: 20 Things Holding Black Women Back

Ooooooo, yes gurl!... Say that real loud... #21!!... As a mother of two young men, ages 22 and 15, i am MOST grateful that they have been and continue to be raised with the stability of having both parents.

Have a blessed day )

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Replying to:

Yes there is some truth to these statements and some only represent a small percentage of Black females. Yet, what is not stated is one important fact that I want to add please.

21. Black Women and Fatherless Children.

The greatest thing that holds back many Black women with dependent children, is raising their children without a father figure in their lives, especially small boys.


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Replying to:

Lawd Ha'mercy!... I have one word for this article... AMEN!!!

Thank you U'Mar... Peace & Love,


Re: 20 Things Holding Black Women Back

Personally, I totally disagree with this article. This is yet another example of society trying to make a black woman feel bad about being strong willed. And what's worse is some of these things listed are things that ALL women are guilty of... not just black women. Not to say that makes it right but I mean come on. Don't pigeon hole black women that way. A lot of us are "educated" and have very high standards and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I say more power to the independent strong black woman! Don't let bogus articles like these make u feel bad for being who u are!

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Replying to:

Lawd Ha'mercy!... I have one word for this article... AMEN!!!

Thank you U'Mar... Peace & Love,


Re: 20 Things Holding Black Women Back

Hmmm....I know this is true of some Black women but I'm sure it does not apply to ALL Black women. It is sad to see the truth in many of those statements, and even sadder to realize that I know some Black women who make those statements true. If we don't stand together as a people, men and women, then we are definitely going to be a lost cause.