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Things holding Black women back

I can agree with some of the things on your list, I have seen some of it happen and I have experienced some of them myself. But the $400 hairdo [ , no way! What's up with that?

Re: Things holding Black women back

I don't understand...

Are you saying that you don't agree with women paying that much on their hair or are you saying that you don't believe that they do?

Trust me, they do pay that much... and i was one who paid up to $125 to get microbraids until i realized how beautiful my own natural hair is... i've had locs for almost two years now.

It's all about the brainwashing issue of what beauty is... and we as black women have longed to have straight/long hair because we were told that our natural hair is ugly... The white community can accept braids with no fear... however the loc is a powerful thing and makes a powerful statement and many of us are just as afraid to allow ourselves to be transformed into who we really are, or want to be... positive, proud, self loving and self respecting black people!

Peace & Love,


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Replying to:

I can agree with some of the things on your list, I have seen some of it happen and I have experienced some of them myself. But the $400 hairdo [ , no way! What's up with that?