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European hair styes

Black woman why do you still wear your hair straight? This is not natural. Are you trying to look like miz ann? I ask this question a lot and get cussed out by so-called Afrikan Queens. This is just a question so please give a educated responce. How much money do you spend in a year getting fried, dyed, and laid to the side? One.

Re: European hair styes

Thank You for putting the question out there, unfortunately the answer needed has not journeyed to the forefront of our Sisters minds. Until that day arrives I'll keep "Locking" for them all.

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Replying to:

Black woman why do you still wear your hair straight? This is not natural. Are you trying to look like miz ann? I ask this question a lot and get cussed out by so-called Afrikan Queens. This is just a question so please give a educated responce. How much money do you spend in a year getting fried, dyed, and laid to the side? One.

Re: European hair styes

Why do we straigthen our hair? Well I know why I perm my hair so it will be straight. 1) Because if not, it will be nappy! and I can't do anything with it 2) My sister and some other women I know have Locks and they look beautiful but I don't like the look on me 3)I wear my permed hair short and have tints of red in it, and it looks good on me. I know this and other people have told me this 4)Ok, the reason that YOU are looking for: our society (the US) thinks that straight hair on black women looks more pleasing to the eye and it is more homogenous. It looks like white girls hair and we are all trying to look white. (I don't agree with the last sentence but that's what u wanted to hear.)

I am NOT trying to look white, I just think I look pretty with short straight hair and I'm 43 and not married so it would be nice if I did find a companion before things start totally sagging! LOL

Think about it; look at women from India, Iraq, and some parts of Africa. They are very dark with pretty straight hair and they are just beautiful. Their straight hair is natural. I don't have a thing against nappy hair, I just can't maintain it on my head so it will look nice so I perm it. If something doesn't work, and you can fix it, fix it! What about pale white folks who are always trying to keep a tan? They know they look better with dark skin. Changing outward appearances is universal, we all just want to find an attractive person when we see ourselves in the mirror.

P.S. I'm just keeping it REAL!

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Replying to:

Thank You for putting the question out there, unfortunately the answer needed has not journeyed to the forefront of our Sisters minds. Until that day arrives I'll keep "Locking" for them all.

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Replying to:

Black woman why do you still wear your hair straight? This is not natural. Are you trying to look like miz ann? I ask this question a lot and get cussed out by so-called Afrikan Queens. This is just a question so please give a educated responce. How much money do you spend in a year getting fried, dyed, and laid to the side? One.