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descendants of slaves should not be paid reparations because

the government today has no control over what happened over 150 years ago. they dont deserve credit for something thier ancestors did. if somone in your family was killed over 100 years ago would you expect payment or would u forgive? say no to slave reparations!

Re: never

Some of our nationally known Civil Rights Leaders still want their "40 acres and a mule" today. It was a broken promise to our ancestors. Who exactly made that promise? Was it U.S. government? Does that mean that our government are not to be trusted with their promises? Although I wasn't alive then, my great-grandparents and their parents were. What is your opinion of our govenment making promises that they can't or won't keep regarding the Black race in the 21st Century? No Pun Intended.


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Replying to:

descendants of slaves should not be paid reparations because

the government today has no control over what happened over 150 years ago. they dont deserve credit for something thier ancestors did. if somone in your family was killed over 100 years ago would you expect payment or would u forgive? say no to slave reparations!

Re: Re: never

Get real people of course the united states government has never been trustworthy for that matter no government ever created has been trustworthy governments are people and people lie! ask the mexicans who lost california and Texas . what about the native Americans how many pacts and treaties were broken and you think this government cares about the sons of slaves NO. only in the context that the sons of these slaves may prove to be to strong and smart.The dumbest kid in the hood can outhink the average harvard grad why? because for him to survive he has to be quick he doesnt have the time to contemplate Mr. Rogers slow ass Yogurt he.s got to make some sesame st, fast ass cheese! Y'all heard me! forget reparations and make preparations to educate our children and keep the government from dissassembling our historical black colleges and universities that is where our true power lies within the walls of Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, Clark, Tuskegee,Etc... While your focused on a mule someones closing your child's school did you know this congress tried to place all black colleges under welfare funding so they cuold cut all of the monies from them that even the smallest white institutions take for granted wake up!!!! I don't want to be like white americans I'm better than that Helll they all aspire to be like me . They want my commanding voice , my physical prowess, My Fine Black woman and my historic legacy they been trying to steal black history for 400 years!!! What's the line ? oh yeah... "we don't exactly know what race the ancient egyptians were but they looked like african americans"> What the hell does that mean? It means we are the stars the original man if eden was a garden we were the original gardeners. And all the redneck burning of crosses in the world wont change the fact that jesus was black! so whether your islamic , christian, jew. pagan, realize your beginnings started in africa all mankind is the child of black people so we have a legacy to fulfill. we have to educate . innovate and appreciate ourselves and say to hell with anyone who does not. To all the black parents ot there if your child is 12 years old and has never read a book or does not know of the greatness of his or her ancestryeyond slavery than you have failed as a parent and nothing you have done or could do will ever be as important as correcting that mistake PEACE MIKT T> FROM BOSTONi

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Replying to:

Some of our nationally known Civil Rights Leaders still want their "40 acres and a mule" today. It was a broken promise to our ancestors. Who exactly made that promise? Was it U.S. government? Does that mean that our government are not to be trusted with their promises? Although I wasn't alive then, my great-grandparents and their parents were. What is your opinion of our govenment making promises that they can't or won't keep regarding the Black race in the 21st Century? No Pun Intended.


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Replying to:

descendants of slaves should not be paid reparations because

the government today has no control over what happened over 150 years ago. they dont deserve credit for something thier ancestors did. if somone in your family was killed over 100 years ago would you expect payment or would u forgive? say no to slave reparations!