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Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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Greetings forum,
I just want to drop some thoughts that have been troubling me lately. So many of us going around the net and in reality complaining and dropping different ideologies but they don't act. I am tired of people dropping proverbs such as "It Takes a village to teach a child"...or "Each one Teach one" but don't follow what the proverb is saying. Stop talking and move I want to yell at alot of my psuedo-conscious brothas and sistas. I have to ask what have you done in the community of late? Have you took a young brotha or sista on as a mentor? Have you helped some of the residents of the urban jungle to strategize on how to better their community? Many people talk the talk but don't walk the walk......I want to challenge the folks in here to extend yourself to those you speak about in complaints or in pity. Continue the legacy that Septima Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer, The Black Panthers, Barbara Jordan, Marcus Garvey, and many others left behind. I am calling you to stop dropping empty rhetoric and MOVE!

Re: Complacency

I would have to agree. I think alot of people believe that it is no longer a problem since we can send our children to private schools and such. I think that a problem with most youth these days is that they dont know their past. You cant blame them for the ignorance, I blame those who havent spoken to them, who havent tried to find out where they are coming from. Listen to the music, read the books, get on the websites. Find out what the next generation is being exposed to so that you know how to reach them. Expose them to museums, cultural things such as music, art, and etc., allow them the pride they will need to make themselves stronger in the face of what is going to met them when they get to the real world.

I have started a council that will aid third and four graders in learning the history they wont learn in school and then the other half works with high school juniors and seniors who still have no knowledge of their history. I am trying to work on making it work on a larger scale. That is my contribution.