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A Place For You - Of You - By You

Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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Do I Qualify?

For the RIGHT man, not the PERFECT man ill walk as far as the eye can see if he requires that of me, ill follow where ever he tells me because for the RIGHT man, ill trust that he will not lead me down a darkened path and should that path be darkened I know that he'll be on the other end waiting for me or holding my hand when I get there .....YES I can wait for the qualified man who when times are hard financially/emotionally that he wont run away because he'll know that its the hard times that allow you to appreciate the good times.

Do you qualify when im wearing something that makes ME feel oh so sexy with my big legs, shapely body and makeup applied to perfection when others look and think i'd love to have her while shes thinking, hoping and praying that he'll acknowledge my efforts and calmly/proudly/KNOWINGLY proclaim ....look all you want because I KNOW im the KING of her castle and with me is where she wants to be and whether shes within my sight or not, I TRUST her to do whats right because im taking care of ALL of her needs and its not always about sex, money or rock and roll because all of that fades over time but its the trust, faith and respect that a strong BLACK relationship can bring to ones emotional state that all of the money/power or sex could NEVER EVER compare because none of those things could buy TRUE Love!!!

Tell me ....are you ready to take a chance with the REAL DEAL because yes my beauty is within your eyes and also within your heart and I will work as hard as ever to see our "goals" come to fruition by your side which is where I belong and where I want to be!!!

Where my STRONG BLACK MAN are you? I know that God will put you in my direct path and once you're there, you will never get away because I am what I appear to be, beautiful, strong, independent and responsible but im also that sexy little thang that will keep you on your toes ....PROUD to have someone like me beside someone like you to compliment you!!!

God Bless me, dont tell me!