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Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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I am a retired vocational school teacher, of the Memphis City School System, in Memphis, Tennessee, now living comfortably in Atlanta, Georgia, the "Capital of Black America".

For 30 years, I have focused my life's intentions and agendas around helping Black people create healthier lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness.

I have had the wonderful opportunity, joy and priviledge to teach, train, instruct, coach and mentor well over 1,000 students.

It has given me, the opportunity, to learn and understand why so many Black people never achieve their dreams.

I have learned, the richest place on earth is the grave yard where our dreams and potentials are buried deep within us, waiting to be discovered.

Many, of the students I taught, were born after the Vietnam War ended. Thus, having always lived in such peaceful times, they cannot comprehend the depth of the tragedy, we have created.

Economically, we live in halcyon days that have far surpassed the wildest dreams of our forebears, who fought so hard and lost so much to create what we have, today.

And yet, we have begun this millennium with more human unhappiness than at any time, in our history.

America is, as Benjamin Disraeli once said of England, "...two nations...divided by great want."

Fact of the matter is, more than half of the U.S. population is not enjoying the fruits of this great economy, and this division is not completely because of their annual income, the color of their skin, their religion or the place where they were born.

A recent scientific study revealed, fully 61% of White Americans and 66% of Black Americans are trapped within their own prison of being overweight and in ill-health.

And, almost half of those, about 27% of White Americans and 32% of Black Americans are clinically obese.

What does clinically obese mean to you? It means, they are overweight to a point where they are hopeless and have no idea what to do and where to turn, for help.

Being overweight is symptom of poor health. It is a tragedy that all of us knows someone that is overweight and unhealthy.

Moreover, a similar situation exists not only in Western Europe, but also Japan and most other developed nations.

Chronic degenerative diseases are man-made and are rampant throughout our commUNITY and the world. To read and/or download a FREE special report entitled "YOUR HEALTH IS IN DANGER" written by NY Times Best Selling Author Robert G. Allen visit our website @

There is no "White Man" to blame, for our current situation. As the greatest minority society in America, to quote the words of a popular comic strip, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

I believe we have forgotten what its like to die of old age, in this country. Instead, we die of man-made diseases that could and should be prevented.

I find it tragic that the vast majority of Black people die prematurely and leave this earth too soon or spend too many years living in unnecessary pain and useless suffering from a chronic degenerative man-made disease.

However, as individuals, whether we desire to help ourselves or someone we love, I feel, there is much that we can do.

Yours in good health,

Luther Thompson, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia
(877) 861-8365

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