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Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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The Black Warrior Women Shall Always Rule

For all those who sing the march of death
And scream that the black woman is dead.
Seek through the windows of my mind.
I am the shelter of your history to be told.
I hold the key to the prophesies of the proclamation
Of the Nubian Anthems of the ancestors tree.

Who gives a dam about a few black men
Who sleeps with the slave masters daughter
Then he looks down on a queen.
Nevertheless he chooses a white *****
When he finish with her as she lynches him
And steal from the grave of his ancestors.
Treason is nothing new and the white woman
Who sits back and throw snares.
There is no lost for a fool who sits
back and snares if it wasn’t for a black women
His ass will still be in chains.

I can care less about the trailer trash
When shes tied of him, she will call
the white man to put his ass back in chains.

Proclaim messages I order to rise the source of peace shall preside.
I the source of my own right hand, Battle fields in my own back yard.
How can man proceed in the structure of conformity,
when he lives as the beast in his own back yard.
How can man cry humanities when he steals,
kills, destroys, manipulates the nation
he swore to pledge to and up stand .

The passiveness of man, shall be his own defeat of his land.
The darkness that lives within his jurisdictions of the oh say can you see.
The truth shall be unwrapped by the only God,
and satin children shall flee.
Salvation be upon the charity of Gods grace.
Man slowly walking into the fire, no concern of his own fate.
Dictated by the oppressor which lives within his own back yard.
Conflictions of the nation, Satins darkness to blind man.
Charity how mercy love upon thy back yard, has no mercy.
I pledge allegiance to the destruction of satins plan,
I cry the blood for which it stands. Salvation be upon the land of man.
The source of peace, was written in Jesus Blood

I the black woman shall never die the ordination
Came when I became a part of my brothers ribs
If I die so shall you.

Don’t be fooled by the hypocrisies of the treasons
That man sates before my stool.
Look in the eyes of mother
Who has set a place for you.
The blood that pours from the palms of her hands.
The bleeding of the savior, which she
Leys upon the cross.
Look in the eyes of your mother who have
Open doors for you.
Look through the eyes of your heart
Love that only opens within the tears in her eyes.
The black women shall never die.
She holds the torch that will never dye out.

I fast the waters and food of the earth,
I live only by faith,
Without the fruits of the earth,
I fast the flesh and earthly things,
I give my love only to thee,
I sit before the heavens without waters that touch my tongue.

I live on faith before thee my God,
I give to thee my soul and heart,
My sanctuary is full with great love,
I feed thy poor, an heal the sick,
I pray for guidance, my mission shall be complete,
I sit by the rock awaiting thou call,
I teach the words of thou great love,
I bow to the east, beneath thy sun.
I cry for the blind that they may see.

Thy love is greater than the sea,
Thy sanctuary sets a place for thee,
Songs of the heaven I sing to thee.
My tears cry the blood that thy shed for thee.

Morality, virtues, branded within my skin.
Thy faith is greater than life,
I give to thee.