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Response to Mansharing

They have really done a job on us. While they are capitalizing we are individualizing. While they are living lavish we are struggling day by day. Why they are planning to remain in control forever we are worrying about who is sleeping with our mate. While they are remaining zealous we are stuck on jealous. Can I get a witness?

If black women could see the B I G picture... Mansharing in a structured setting could be a device that WE could use to benefit each and every one of OUR BEAUTIFUL BLACK CHILDREN.

Re: Response to Mansharing

that's going to be a hard sell Queen. (attempting to convince women that there is a benefit in mansharing that is). in my mind, the term "mansharing" infers that women are voluntarily participating in some sort of arrangement. in many cases, women are unaware that they are one of many. also, it infers that the focus is on the sharing of the man, when actually the focus should be on the internal harmony of the woman. what the article doesn't really say is that studies have also shown that black men tend to have sexual relationships with women of many races, while black women are less likely to do so. i make that statement to say that these "mansharing agreements" between women may involve and/or effect more than just black women. these types of relationships are dangerous in these times of fatal sexually transmitted diseases. and in my opinion, these women (and men) are counterproductive to the goal of creating healthy families.