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Black Sisters & Brothers United Network
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The melting pot is alive and well!!!

It is a good thing that the awareness from which one came be made available. There is nothing wrong with trying to preserve as much of one's heritage as possible. In my mind, I see the attempt to be rhetoric, even as I too try to place efforts toward that end. But I submitt to this viewing audience that this great land will lead the way, and the melting pot will claim all as infinity, atleast to the point that it is of majority. I look foward to that day. I look foward to the day when the color of skin is no more viewed in special favor, be it negative or postitive. I believe within all might heart that the future is space and all that it entails. When we encounter the "other life" as we surley will with out doubt, it will be "earth" against the make up of the new found entitiy. Race, gender and the likes will be out the door, culture pride will be the whisper of a fantasy as the new day will be of the melting pot. Far fetched? Ok, be that as it may, but the continuience of man is only limited by his ability to dream.....