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Slaves of Multiculturalism

I was waiting to hear that someone else had looked around and begin to understand the wave sweeping the nation.
No doubt the cats that are on TV representing hip hop have forgotten what it means to be black. For time to time I watch MTV, BET, and channel 19 to what's the new word black folks are spreading. I get real disguisted watching the so-called hip hop videos were most of the women don't represent the real black women.
That in addition all the other misleading, misguiding money making tatics.
What all of this boils down to is the beginning.
Like before African Americans are selling out on who they are for the sake of obtaining what they will never have without standing tall.
Black people are selling out for money and power.
I watch Oprah and I see in her face that she's not quite in a place where she wants to be.
However, she want's to keep her dollars rolling, and her fame coming. So for the most part you can consider her a sellout as well.

The thing that I can not understand is why do black people fail to recognize the past.
So many black people keep saying it's over, let it go.
While they can not explain why African Americans continue to overcrowd the jails, or why African American women are said to have the highest case of HIV.
The have seemed to forgotten The Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment. I feel so lost looking at all my lost black people.
My sisters with the blonde weave and my brothers with the long braids.

Many proclaim that we don't have a culture so it dosen't matter. And indeed I have been told this by more than enough Africans. The first thing my now ex- Senegalese boyfriend told me in a heated argument was you don't know where you come from.
And he defines our culture as hip hop, rap, and violence.

Most immigrants will confess they are not in America to blend in to the so-called melting pot.
They hold on to their culture desparately and are not welcoming this new profound Multicultualism.

Re: Slaves of Multiculturalism

Yes. It does appear that the black numbers for sell-out is growing more than is comfortable for me too. However, I often wonder if we ourselves are not to blame for this new multiculturalism. Over the past fifty years especially, we have willingly given over our talents, skills and the "god-given" magic of what makes us so awesome as a people here in the states to all facets of western life. From Beyonce & Halle to language, dress and even the new TV Commercial with Bernie Mac in the church pulpit, basketball choir, and basketball player powers, we allow our culture to be watered-down and laughed at.

While some "get paid", most of us are "justifiably" angry and stubborn about having to learn Spanish in job markets, and sitting idly by as America sanctions our brown brothers' american dream, while our own native tongues were forcibly silenced.

Yes. I am just as frustrated by this new multiculturalism. However, to call us slaves of this culture is touchy. Our American Story is actually being written by us. As long as we complain, and do nothing to shape and protect our culture, we appear to be willing servants.