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response to Stanley Crouch

Even though the point is the prnciple not the personality, I have serious problems with Stanley Crouch. i understand the whole "pimps & ho'" scenario, but stanley wrote a very negative article about the Million Woman March whereas he maliously stated that Black women came there just to have sex. this article was in the Daily News plain as day. being a freedom fighting sister who was in attendance, i can vouch that the majority of women did not leave their children with family and friends, spend money for buses, trains, planes and automobiles, wait in 2-hour lines to eat and lose sleep just to **** a complete stranger in Philadelphia! that is absurd!!! i beleive stanley has serious issues with sisters (hating the hand that feeds him so to speak) and is not the voice of Black liberation that he purports to be. i still see him on podiums with Tavis Smiley, Jesse Jackson and the like and i wonder---didnt they read that article. it was a full frontal attack on every Black woman in America!

only respect, Ama

Re: response to Stanley Crouch

sista Ama,

i would love to get a copy of that article and form my own opinion so that i can be better equiped to respond to this post. where can i find it?

Re: Re: response to Stanley Crouch

Stillroyalty: i am looking for that article and i will have to go to microfilm to get it. i could not find it online. i had a copy but in moving i have misplaced it. i should have it in a few days.

peace, Ama

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Replying to:

sista Ama,

i would love to get a copy of that article and form my own opinion so that i can be better equiped to respond to this post. where can i find it?