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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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I've just checked this message board and notice that there is nothing about the Excellent job our young ladies have been doing after the football season ended. They are still practicing and competing in cheerleading competitions all over.They have place in at least 2 that I know of. We need to all get together one day to support these young ladies like they support our young men on those cold Saturday mornings. They need to see a sea of blue and white cheering them on, like our other neighborhood cheerleading team sees a field of red and white cheering them on. Trust me they are there in mass numbers yall.
Great job!! Coach Lisa and Coach Christine

Re: Cheerleading

I agree. give the next date.

Re: Re: Cheerleading

I've talk to Christine, and the next event should be in April. Please check back for the date and time.